Chapter Three

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"McCormick!" I could feel my blood beginning to boil as I watched the small boy go limp in my friend's grip. His skin had gone unbearably white with a grayish tint. His arms hung slack by his sides and his head lolled back to hang as a dead weight. The kid's shirt tore and he crumpled to the ground barely conscious. I watched, my rage building into a supernova inside my chest, as Tweek's green eyes rolled back into his head only seconds before Butters stood and left the room. The blue eyed blonde was shaking with anger towards his husband. Kenny looked down as tears fell from his gray eyes. His body shaking, he collapsed beside the unconscious boy. He began to whimper. The whimpers soon became soft cries only to morph into loud, heart stopping sobs as the tall, always up to fight man curled into a small ball in a shattering scene. "Dude, chill."

"ACK!" Tweek suddenly bolted from the floor, throwing himself back into a wall, "DON'T TAKE MY UNDERWEAR!"

"Uh," I had no words for that one. The whole room seemed to freeze and focus its attention on the twitching spaz. His hands were clasped tightly on his pants as if someone were trying to yank them off. The green of his eyes were more wild than ever before. He was breathing super hard and I was almost certain this kid was on something. "Tweek, chill."

"KENNETH MCCORMICK!" Butters was finally able to face his other half, but the boy was furious. The tiny blonde stomped towards his husband, yanking the oversized tee over his head in the process. Kenny was mid-panic attack still on the floor when the impossibly innocent ball of rage caught hold of him by the front of his jacket. Butters began to shake the man, yelling his head off as Kenny only sobbed louder. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MAN? HOW COULD YOU TREAT A SCARED KID LIKE THAT? I DON'T GIVE A HAMBURGER IF YOU WERE MAD, HE WAS SCARED, YOU BIG DUMMY!"

"Whoa, Butters, chill man." I sighed, shaking my head. These idiots were gonna piss me off if they kept freaking Tweek out. Speaking of the twitch, he was currently muttering about underwear gnomes and conspiracies. Poor fuck was all sorts of freaked out right now. My head was beginning to hurt and it was way too loud. The blondes in this room were way too high strung. Time to interfere. "Clyde, get Kenny his stash, maybe a nice high will chill him out. Token go grab Millie so Butters will chill. I'll chill out Tweek."

"Craig, baby," Bebe giggled. "You sound like a broken record."

"He does." Kyle smirked. "If you say chill one more time, I think Wendy might snap."

"Too late." A venomous voice snarled from behind me. "Seriously, Spaceboy, SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Now, normally, I would be in Wendy's face yelling and fighting her for that. I would have already knocked Kenny the fuck out and probably locked Butters in a closet, just so I could think clearly. But this wasn't a normal situation as proven when Wendy's sudden outburst sent a very spazzed out blonde straight into my side with a panicked yelp. I was thrown to the ground, the vibrating body following with me. I let out a loud groan as my head collided with the floor. Damn, that hurt. The kid was seriously freaked out. I looked down at his spazzing face and had a sudden idea. I pulled out my phone and a pair of headphones. "Tweekers, buddy, listen to me. Take a deep breath. Look at me, that's a good boy, now breathe in deeply. Good. Hold that breath. Now, release it. Do you like music? Is rock okay? I have an old school rock playlist. You know, like Lynyrd Skynyrd, AC/DC, Cheap Trick, and Kansas. Want to zone on that for a few minutes? Yeah? Okay, put these in. It's gonna be loud at first, kid, but then you can turn it down, okay? Good. Here."

Once Tweek was focused on the sound of Kansas's Wayward Son, I turned to focus on my gang once more. Wendy had calmed down after seeing the exchange between the small boy and myself. Butters was curled up in a ball on the couch a good distance from Kenny, hugging an elderly white cat with a single black ear. His husband was taking a decent sized hit from his old blue and orange hitter. Bebe was filing her nails, like the conceited bitch she was, while Kyle was cuddled up and half asleep against Stan. Cartman was leaning against the wall playing a game on his phone, but Clyde and Token stood watching me as I stayed on the ground with Tweekers.

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