Chapter Eighteen

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How do you tell your husband that the son of Satan owns your soul? How do you explain a deal with the devil that left you less than human but with something far more important to you than a soul? I was failing to find an answer when Kenny decided to make his presence known. The undead asshole laughed. He actually laughed. He full bellied laughed as I stood there trying to think of an answer. He laughed so hard he wheezed before he finally stopped and chose to explain. "You're a fucking idiot. What'd you trade your soul for?"

"Something far more valuable than myself." I smiled brightly. Turning to look at Remi who's face paled at the realization just before I said, "don't you think, Remi?"

"What?" Craig's eyes flickered between me and the kid.

"Kaldi." Remi didn't ask it, he stated it. "You traded your soul for your daughter?"

"He traded his soul for Kaldi's happiness." A voice I hadn't heard since the day my daughter was born filled the air beside my ear, earning a full scream and jump reaction just before my fist met a waiting hand. "Watch it, Twitchy."

"Demondick!" I grinned. "Been a while."

"You quit summoning me when you got Remi." The demon shrugged.

"Not to be rude, but how'd you get in my house and what do you want?" I really was happy to see him and I really did want to catch up but we were several layers underground in a closed room and the door hadn't opened.

"Portal and Roadkill."

"Roadkill?" I asked.

"Yo!" Kenny chirped from his seat. "Texted him after you went over excited puppy at his name."

"Sure." I sighed. "But to better explain the deal, I sold my soul to Damien on the premise that he would ensure my daughter had someone who always made her happy. Someone who could be considered her soul mate. A forever and always connection. He made sure she was where she needed to be to find them."

"Remi was born before Kaldi and, aside from his fear of his own father under unrelated circumstances, is every bit the same child he has always been," Damien said as he placed a hand in Remi's hair, "he's her natural soul mate. All I did was put them in the same town and keep an eye on them."

"You sold your soul for my son?" Firkle raised an eyebrow before turning back to his own husband and crossing his arms, "You said he was just a friend, but now there's deals with the devil and a war against his ex, Remi's talking to me and you're in the same room as Kenny and still breathing."

"Seriously?" Tyler snapped, stepping away from his husband. "He's married to Craig and JUST A FRIEND!"

"A friend you tortured Butters over. A friend you're living with. A friend you drank yourself stupid over from the screen of a goddamn computer. I don't understand. Why can't you just tell me you love him but respect his relationship? Why are you flat out denying all of it? You've never hid shit like this from me."

"GEORGIE! Please stop. I am not hiding anything. He is just a FRIEND!"

"Stop lying to me!"

"I'm not fucking lying!"

"Yes you are."

"I am NOT."


"DAD!" Remi screamed, his body shaking like a leaf in a hurricane as he stood between the arguing men. His hands were balled up and his eyes full of tears. Firkle immediately came to a stop. He kneeled in front of his son, using the hem of his shirt to dry the tears before they could fall. He put his hand in the boy's hair and began to rub along the scalp to calm him down. "I don't understand why you're fighting. You never fight."

"Tweek's my brother." Tyler's voice was barely more than a whisper. "I wasn't ever gonna tell him, but everyone keeps taking my care for him to weird places and mental bleach doesn't exist."

"Brother?" Firkle turned to look at me before looking back at Tyler. "You never said anything about a brother before."

"Look, no one knew about him. They gave him up at a young age and due to past issues I had been removed from the household when he was only three. My Granny and I were the only ones who seemed to care that he was gone. I only got to see him during holidays but he was a cute kid, man. I loved being around him. So when I met him again through the computer, I stuck close to him. I lost my brother once, I didn't wanna lose him again." Tyler gripped his left arm with his right hand as he looked at the floor. "I'm a monster, Georgie, I couldn't tell him. I didn't want him to know. I was fine just being his friend."

"Then why-"

"Remi's crying. You're yelling. People kept thinking I was trying to fuck him." The silver haired man looked anywhere but at me. "I'm going to my room. Remi can show you where that is later. I can't be here."

"Tyler," I didn't let anything show in my voice as I spoke. I had a lot to process with that and didn't want to risk his mental state while I did. "You aren't leaving this room alone. You can take anyone with you, but you're not mentally safe alone."

The man didn't speak. He didn't react at all. I wasn't letting him be stupid. When he made no move to pick someone, I sighed and turned to Kenny. "Would you?"

"I got him." Kenny nodded as he stood up and tossed an arm over Tyler's shoulder. "Let's go, moron."

"I'm sorry," the words had barely left his lips before Kenny thumped him on the head with just enough force to make him understand the man's feelings.

"Stop that." The blonde grunted as he pushed the man through the door. "You are fine, Tyler. You need to chill. Brother or friend, Tweek loves you, man."

Silence held the room until their footsteps faded away. As the last sounds of them disappeared, I turned to pin the goth against the wall. "What was that?!"

"Let me go, twitchy." His voice was low and his eyes clouded with emotions. "I don't need this from you."

"Dude, Tyler left in tears. You forced him to answer that stupid question in front of everyone. He trusts you. Why the fuck-"

"He's NEVER lied to me until you." The man's eyes grew dark as they met mine.

"Dad's never got upset like that. Not even when they told him Kimmy's diagnosis." Remi whimpered. The kid looked sick.

"I need to fix this." The goth grunted before shoving me away from him and heading towards the door.

"Hey!" I yelled after him.

"You won't stop me."

"Who's trying to stop you? Take a moron so you don't get lost, fucking dumbass." I rolled my eyes. "And stop making him cry."

"Stop giving him reasons to lie to me."

"Don't blame me, I don't even remember having a brother. I had no idea. I wish I had. Maybe things would have turned out less stupid."

"If I lose him over your war, not even that demon dick will be able to save you."

"You're not going to lose him. Tyler's an idiot but he's our idiot and everyone wants him around." I rolled my eyes. "My concern is more in the fact that my brother claims my daughter's boyfriend as a son, thus creating a creepy cousin vibe."

"Remi is MY son, not your brother's. He took back my last name too. There is no blood tie. Don't worry about it." Firkle turned to look at me as I addressed what seemed like a no-brainer to him. "His brother, huh... man, that makes almost too much sense."

"Come on," Craig stood up. "I'll show you to Tyler's room. Tweek can catch up with Damien while I'm gone."

"Sure." The goth nodded at my husband before looking back at me, "sorry, for fucking shit up. I'll fix it."

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