Chapter Eleven

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I ran forward to pull Tweek off of Tyler as Star, Molly and Kaldi screamed in fear of their hero. Tweek's fists were soaked in Tyler's blood. His small body shook violently. Tears poured from his eyes harder with every swing the kid took. Before I could grab him, though, Butters pushed past me and lifted Tweek off Tyler with ease. He turned the blonde to him and hugged him tight. The elder boy whispered into the kid's ear before shoving him towards Kenny once more. This time, when the man spoke his voice was even, dark and dominant enough to make Cartman and the others take a step back. Butters was letting his inner demons out to play and this time it wasn't going to be pretty. He was livid. More pissed than I had ever seen him. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STAY THE FUCK BACK. THIS ENDS TODAY."

Butters bent down to look Tyler in the face. "When I asked you why, you told me you couldn't explain it. That you had to do what you did to understand what you couldn't before. You raped me and beat me to understand what type of monster could hurt a person like Tweek, didn't you?"

Silence met Butters' question as the air around us all grew heavier. Butters bent closer to the man, looking into his blackened and swollen blue eyes. "You broke me, watched me come back from it, and observed the things that helped me and the things that made it worse to help him survive. Didn't you? You knew he could make it through it because I did."

"L-Leo," Tyler's voice was strained from the pain he was feeling both physically and emotionally.

"You used me to save him, never telling me the truth behind it cause you knew it wouldn't sound right. You knew what you did was unforgivable no matter the reason behind it. You didn't attack Tweek just now because you were scared of life without him. You attacked him because you sacrificed your own image, your safety, your dignity, and your own mental stability for him.You attacked him because he had almost made it all for nothing. You attacked him because he is your sole friend in life and you can't face the reality of the situation and the idea that he could disappear, leaving you to the real darkness inside you. You adopted Kimmy to ease your own broken mind, a good deed to ease the pain of a bad one. Then you adopted Remi cause you saw something inside him you had seen before. A broken light you recognized but didn't realize it was one you knew well. You caused it inside of me and watched from a screen as it happened to Tweek. When you found out the damaged little girl you constantly rushed him back to the orphanage to help was adopted today and by Craig of all people, knowing that Remi would worry, you tracked him here. When the full reality of everything hit you you attacked the very person you destroyed me to save. Tyler, I know you think you did this all for him, but even with good intentions, you did a lot of damage that sorry just can't fix. The hell you put me through is not something you fix with gifts, absence or words. You wanted to fix this, I wanted blood. I didn't open the wounds, but you still bled. You bled for what you did to me. You are a bloody heap on a road who's best friend is now scared of him and who's kid- Wait a minute-"

"L-Leo-" Tyler tried to speak again but Butters stood up and looked around.

"Fuck." Butters sighed. He began to walk away from Tyler and over to a black customized sports car. Opening the door, he was met with the terrified eyes of a small girl. Kimmy. "Hey, honey, shush, it's okay. I know from your point of view we look like bad guys, but I promise we aren't trying to hurt anyone. Do you want Cael?"

The small child nodded weakly. Her scared face and weak body made me feel sick as my heart felt like it was being stabbed. I looked over to Kenny who was supporting the weight of an unconscious Tweek. Raising an eyebrow, I noticed a small bruise forming around my boyfriend's neck. Kenny had choked him out to keep him from attacking the man he once trusted more than anyone. Shifting my gaze, my eyes fell on the kids. Each child's face masked with fear and confusion as they hid behind Remi. Star and Cael held tight to Kaldi's hand, while Seth held tight to Molly and Daisy. Remi stood tall in front of them, his arms crossed and a glare on his face. His calming aura even reached out to soothe my own nerves. This kid was scary and calm.

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