Chapter Sixteen

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Mark was hunting. He was taking vulnerable and independant children to sell or rape or both. He had Star's friend. Mark was asking for war and I would be the one leading the attack on his doorstep. Anger filled every cell in my body as I walked away from my husband and his brother to seek out the only people who's rage rivaled mine. My mother-in-law and my daughter. Maria had gone to war with a hospital for me, and that crazy bitch barely knew me. Star was her grandbaby and that grandbaby's best friend was missing. Star also held a level of explosive anger the likes of which was the stuff of legends. She was a sweet child, but hurt her or one she cares for and she was the most vindictive psycho you could encounter on this tiny planet. I've seen that child replace mouthwash with watered down dish soap, fill the spray bottle for house plants with bleach, and cut chunks of hair from sleeping heads over small things like her sandwich having the wrong sauce on it or someone calling Cael a crybaby. This would take her to the next level. I was both excited and terrified to see the small child's darkest side.

"Mama!" I yelled as I hit the stairs. Adrian's laughter chased me as I stormed through layers of housing to find a hotblooded maniac or two. "MAAMAA!"

"In the kitchen, Tweeky-Boy!" Maria's chipper call left my blood running cold, but a dark smile pulled at my lips. Maria did this thing where she sounded sickeningly sweet when she was at her angriest. Someone had pissed her off even more than that nurse dude at the hospital and that wasn't an easy feat. As I entered the room, my immediate reaction to seeing her pointed knife angled at her own husband's dick was to grab the still warm cookie sheet from the counter and shield my own bits. Maria kept Thomas pinned down with that menacing knife as she turned her attention to me. "What's wrong, baby?"

"That depends," I felt my lips twitch as my grin grew, "am I in danger or can I put the pan down?"

"Huh?" the woman blinked before looking at the knife she held and laughing, "Baby, this one's all his, you're free to speak."

"Mark has Poe, I want him dead." Spoke bluntly as I tossed the cookie sheet into the sink.

"Dead is good, but how are we getting Poe back?" Thomas cut in with a dark look. "And has anyone told Star yet?"

"Not that I know of." I shook my head and sighed. Plopping down on a stool near the counter, I ran my hand over my face. "You see this shit in movies and theres always some idiot with a half baked plan that goes to shit before they manage to get their shit together to save the kid, but I don't have an idiot to spare for half baked bullshit and Poe doesn't have the time for us to fuck shit up. He's selling kids on the black market. I need those kids safe before they become me. I just don't have a fucking clue what to do."

"Do you know where they are?"

"Somewhat. Adrian has more of the details." I groaned. "I was more focused on Craig opening up than Addy word vomiting."

"Opening up? He told you?"

"Well, I don't have the details, but I get the gist." Craig wasn't ready to share the full story without help. "I'm good with that for now. Craig needs time to come to terms with telling me."

"Then let's focus on getting Poe back while Craig figures out his next step in opening up. We need to figure out what we're up against so we can plan how to best take it out." Thomas suggested, "let's gather anyone with knowledge on Mark in the dining room to discuss what we know. After that we'll decide what we need and who best fits those needs. Once we have our team we can come together to make a plan."

"Like a heist movie." Maria added. "So who gets to tell Star?"

I bit the bullet. Someone had to tell the psycho so I decided to be the moron to walk straight into hell and unlock the cage of the devil. I found her in the library room flipping through a medical encyclopedia, and while unsure how well she could read and retain its information, it seemed fitting to see her with that particular book. "Sorry to interrupt your book time, but we need to talk."

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