Chapter One

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Fuck this shit! Friday night, I'm stuck in Token's living room trapped between him and Kenny with Clyde howling about Bebe dumping his ass. At least he had someone. I'm fucking twenty four and the closest I ever came to love was a drunk fuck with McCormick before Butters somehow roped the South Park man-whore into marriage a few months back. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the fucks, I am, but I fucking hate being alone. Token and Nicole had been together since elementary school and were getting married in a few months. Stan got engaged to Kyle after realizing they were more than just friends in middle school, while Cartman had snagged Wendy during high school. Jimmy met a sweet girl two years after graduation at a benefit for handicapped artists. She was a talented blind painter. Kevin got Red pregnant young, now they had three kids. I was sort of the lone wolf, sleeping with randoms when the need hit. "For fucks sake, assholes, let's just practice already!"

"Fine!" Clyde sighed, running a hand through his brunette hair. "The Bird?"

"Yea." I grabbed my bass and turned up my amp. Token slid into place behind the drums while Clyde tested his keyboard. Kenny rose from the floor to grab his guitar, strumming a few notes as he took his position beside me. We played a few warm up notes before Clyde led us into the song.

I was so proud of the choatic nature of this song that it was one we played daily. I never really knew all the reasons behind writing the piece, only that everyone involved was angry and rebellious. I remembered when we started writing this song. Clyde was so pissed because Bebe was ignoring him, Token was tired of his parents controlling him, Kenny was fed up with life, and let's face it, I've never liked anything. Together we created a work that sang to our souls.

I looked over at Kenny, his body jamming out as his fingers strummed the cords of his black electric. He'd had that thing forever and a day. The old orange reaper sticker flashed in the light almost as if laughing at some dark joke. His hood down as he sang back up, dirty blonde hair swaying with his motions. Kenny was always up to raise his middle finger to this sick world we lived in. As the song came to an end, Kenny calmed to a mere bounce and bob like my own, Token's drumming had become violent and was slowly returning to normal, and Clyde was breathing heavily. All of a sudden, a rapid clapping caught our attention. Standing in the doorway with Token's parents was a short, twitchy blonde and a couple who appeared to be his parents. The couple were clapping excitedly, but their son was spazzing like none other, his erratic and almost painful looking twitching was causing small yelps and whimpers to spring from his thin pink lips, lips he had chewed to hell. His blonde locks sprung from his head in crazy spikes pointing in all sorts of random directions. He had big green eyes that flicked from one spot to the next in a paranoid fashion with deep and dark bags under them, hinting at extreme exhaustion. His green button up shirt was misbuttoned and his skinny jeans were baggy on his thin frame. I glanced down to realize the kid was clutching a mug of scalding coffee and his twitching was causing the boiling liquid to splash out and hit his hands. Hands that were practically tie-dyed with blistered and scarred skin, leading me to believe this was not the first time he's shaken so hard he burnt himself with hot coffee. He was like a scared animal no one could reach.

I took a step closer to the boy, not really realizing what I was doing. That one step turned into a couple. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the kid, gently prying the mug from his hands and handing it to Token. I guess he had followed me forward. I took the blonde's wrist, not wanting to hurt him by taking his burnt hands, and led him to the sink in the kitchen across from the living room. Without speaking, I ran his burnt hands under some cold water and gently dried them. Grabbing his wrist once more, I led the boy around to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Pushing him down on the closed toilet, I dabbed some burn ointment on his reddened flesh and carefully wrapped the area with soft white bandages. The boy wasn't shaking as much. Instead he seemed to be staring at me in awe. His parents seemed lost for words as I silently brought him back to them. I retrieved the mug from Token and reentered the kitchen, digging through my bag and snagging my travel mug. I moved to the sink, washing out the pale blue cup and scrubbing the lid, the kid might be a germaphobe for all I knew, before pouring the scalding black liquid into my cup and popping on the lid. Washing the mug, I placed it in the strainer to dry and turned back to the group in the living room. The blonde was spazzing and twitching, clawing at his hair and yelling something about too much pressure, his parents doing nothing to stop him. I rolled my eyes before walking back to the kid. I caught hold of his elbow and pulled him alongside me to Token's room, the gang following my lead. Once in the comfort of my friend's bedroom, I sat the blonde in his expensive gamer chair and turned him to face the rest of us, handing him back his coffee. "Dude, chill."

"Gah!" The boy yelped, "don't hurt me!"

"Whoa," I placed my hands on his shoulders. "Dude, calm down, we aren't going to hurt you."

"Yeah," Token smiled softly at the kid, "we just want to hang."

"What's your name, cutie?" Shit, Kenny's going mom mode. The problem with my friends is that all three turn into giant male moms when they come across a broken person like this kid. Momma Token is easy to deal with. He stays the same except he expects you to call or text him throughout the day, so he knows you're okay, and accept any money or food he offers. Momma Clyde is the shoulder to cry on and everything will be okay honey type. It's when Kenny goes mom mode that I get worried. He's the what the fuck is wrong with you, who the hell am I beating up, and I dare you to fuck with my kid type of mom friend. And right now, all three were slipping into their mom modes on this poor kid.

"T-Tw-Tweek!" The kid slid down in the chair as Kenny leaned towards him. The poor spaz was terrified. I sighed and shoved Kenny and Token back a few steps so they were behind me. I was getting protective over the small blonde and they knew better than to fuck with me.

"Tweek?" Clyde spoke calmly over my shoulder. His voice still normal and even. "Your name is Tweek?"

"Y-y-yes!" The boy, Tweek, yelped again before trying to hide behind the coffee cup.

"Well, Tweek, welcome to the gang. Moron A in the red is Clyde Donovan. He's a fucking crybaby and currently heartbroken, so be prepared for the bitching. Moron B in the orange parka is Kenny McCormick. Bright side is he's already going protective on you, that's good. He'll protect you with his life. If he dies, don't sweat it, he'll be back tomorrow. I'd say Moron C but seeing as this is his house and he's the least irritating of the three, I'll just call him Mom A, Token Black. You met his parents earlier."

"Gah!" Tweek twitched and quickly glanced at his hands as if shocked by the missing burn. "H-hi!"

"The dick in blue is Craig. You're lucky. He likes you." Clyde said.

Token soon added, "Yeah, he's never been that kind to anyone."

Kenny burst into laughter and fell to the ground a few minutes later causing Token and Clyde to snort with laughter and hold their ribs. "Craig hates everyone, but he seems to like you, Twitchy."


"Tweek," I blinked calmly. His hands were in his hair a few seconds later. Locks of blonde hair fell to the ground as he tore it from his head in a nervous tick. I caught his hands, trying to save what hair he had left. I tried to calm him down. Tried to stop him from freaking out. The kid wasn't listening. "Tweek, stop. Don't do that. Stop pulling your hair, kid. Hey, no, stop that. Damn it. STOP!"

"ACK!" The boy flinched and tears filled his eyes. I tore his hands from his scalp and caught hold of his jaw, forcing him to look at me. Fear filled his eyes as I stared into his face. He looked so scared, I couldn't take it. I pulled him towards me and wrapped my arms around his shaking body. I squeezed a bit as he continued to panic. Suddenly, his body grew calm, his twitching stopped. His nerves seemed to relax. Tears slipped from his eyes, but I only hugged him tighter.

"It's okay, Tweek. It's okay to be scared and to feel anxious. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. Just take a few deep breaths and come find me, okay?" I spoke calmly and evenly. "Are you okay now?"

"Yes." Tweek spoke calmly as he lay his head on my shoulder.

"Good. Now are you going to be okay if we ask some questions to get to know you better?"

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