Chapter Nine

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It was pitch dark in the room when once again I found myself unable to sleep. I was thinking about Tweekers and what Kenny had said about him cutting. I don't remember waking up only realizing that I was fully conscious on Bebe's game room floor staring up at the dark ceiling. The rich bitch was such a party goddess she had the room fitted with cloud soft padding so we could all crash comfortably on it after a gamer binge. The night before did not go as planned. It was perfect for each of us, however.

After the, um, bottoms, left for girl's night, I had gone to talk with Kenny about the events beforehand. The sweetest trio of princesses were crowded around him trying to cheer him up. Star had tucked a dead flower into his hair like a fucking gothic queen, while Molly had colored his lips with a blue (nontoxic, we aren't stupid, just male) marker. Daisy was singing softly to him, a song from some old nineties TV show I couldn't quite place. I tried not to laugh as I took a seat on the ground beside him. "Hey, man, you okay?"

"I will be." He sighed, his gray eyes turning to stare holes in me, tears still clinging to them. "He's just a kid, you know? He's so young and so fucking damaged."

"Ken," Star spoke suddenly as she stared out the window. I know she's my daughter and she's only like four, but she can be way too mature and just a tad creepy at times. Both of the twins could. I knew they grew up a bit different from normal kids, watching horror from the cradle and adult shows more often than kids. Honestly, they didn't really care for Disney until Tweek came into the picture. They had their own rooms that they were expected to keep clean, more books than toys. I was teaching them how to read before I thought of teaching them to talk. In fact the twins learned to talk as they learned to read. They were never spoken to in baby babble either. I spoke to them as if they were adults. They know how to do dishes, clean their rooms, wash, dry and fold laundry, play video games, read, write for the most part, and were working on math and science more now. They were smart and they picked up fast. I wanted to nourish that ability by providing them with endless challenges. They had charts in their rooms of the stars and telescopes to find them. I didn't care about teaching them right from wrong, I cared about teaching them why it was right and what made things wrong. Maybe they'd grow up fucked up, or possibly they'd grow up ready to face it all. Right now, my daughter was about to lay down some serious wisdom on her unsuspecting godfather. Yes, Kenny and Butters are the twin's godparents. "Tweek is no more a kid than you or Daddy. I don't think he's been one in a very long time. Did you know he screams in his sleep? He bites his arms and claws at his head. Tweek is a very hurt person, but that's okay, cause that means we can help him heal. Daddy was scared the night we brought him home with us. Scared he wouldn't be okay. Scared Tweek would hurt himself. That was the first time I realized no matter the age, pain can break you. I remember that night. Tweek was crying in the dark, shaking and biting his arm, so I brought him my blue rose night light. He looked so sad that I had seen him hurting, but that's stupid. We all hurt and when we do, we all need comfort."

"Star, Tweek wasn't sad cause you saw he was hurting, he was sad that you saw it while so young." Kenny sighed. "He didn't want you losing your innocence like he did at such a young age."

"What happened to Riley was awful, Ken, but that wasn't what was hurting Tweek that night." My daughter spoke softly as she turned to look Kenny in the eyes. "Tweek was crying over Kaldi."

"Kaldi?" I looked at my child's different colored eyes as they filled with tears.

"His daughter, Daddy. He hasn't seen her since she was one."

"But," I blinked slowly, "Tweek's gay?"

"So are you." Star shook her head. "Things happen."

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