Chapter Fifteen

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It had been about a month since the improvised wedding, our things had been moved into the new house, and the gang moved in as well. They decided it was the safest option and since we all end up as a group either way, crashing at whichever house is convenient at the time, it did make sense just to live in one house. The walls were soundproof, there were smoke detectors in every hallway, emergency exits clearly marked, doors leading out to tunnels made of dirt to help prevent things like fire from following as we left, drains were hidden in the flooring to prevent floods, rerouting the water into the sewer through well placed piping. There were safety measures for earthquakes, volcanoes, and all sorts of things. The house was the safest structure to house our large and chaotic family. We ended up making one of the above ground rooms into a hangout room for the kids so they could get sunlight even inside. We didn't want them to feel like they were trapped.

"Daddy!" Kaldi yelled as she came down yet another flight of stairs. "Daddy, Uncle Addy needs you upstairs."

"Okay, baby. Do you know which room he's in?" I smiled as I carefully picked her up and started back up the stairs. Adrian, like the loser he is, named all of the rooms in an attempt to lessen confusion when trying to find someone. The names were lame, but it did help. Each room was given a name based on its decor and its purpose. My office where Kaldi had found me, for example, was meant to house my work for NASA and was decorated to look like the moon landing, thus Adrian had named it CM Columbia after the Apollo 11 command module Columbia. It was kind of nice of him to try to make it special for me. Adrian may be a piece of shit human being, but he was a pretty great brother most of the time.

"Wonderland 13."

"Fucking druggie." I rolled my eyes. Of course he was in his smoke room. A great brother, sometimes. A selfish prick, all the time. "What were you doing in Wonderland 13?"

"Uncle Addy." Kaldi yawned. Her answer was vague but not at the same time. Adrian was a fucking moron. There was a good chance he took her in there with him while spending time with her. There was an equally good chance that he was using her intelligence to further his drug business. Roberto had enough dignity not to involve a child, Adrian did not. The part that worried me and scared me just a bit was that Kaldi was a genius at it. She had given the moron enough solid advice to strengthen his business a hundred fold. His profits have more than tripled in the last week. Tweek was still pissed after finding Kaldi wearing a crown made of pot leaves the other day.

I wandered up the stairs and down the hall to where Wonderland 13 was located. The door was painted black and at the bottom, along the right corner sat the Alice: Madness Returns! Cheshire Cat. His nightmarish features and insane smile had been done in glow in the dark paint. Across the door in trippy colors and patterns were distorted letters spelling out the name of the room. Deciding to just kick in the door, I entered the room to find Adrian sitting at his desk going over some loose papers, his eyebrow raised as he looked up at me. "My boys found Stoley. He's been relocated for now. I won't kill him, but we needed him out of the way so we could focus on Mark. Also, your husband's on a warpath. Half the house has evacuated the other half are hiding in their rooms pretending they ain't there. I don't know."

"Kaldi, stay with Uncle Addy. Adrian, do not use her for your personal gain. She's your niece not your partner. I'll be back." I groaned as I set my daughter down beside her uncle and left the room. I wandered each level of the house until about fifteen minutes later I found Tweek in the gym, just destroying a punching bag. Tyler and Kenny sat against the wall off to the side, watching as Tweek kept up his unrelenting attack on the work out equipment. I moved to stand beside them. "How long has he been like this?"

"Four hours, at least with this bag. He's been in here taking out his rage for about seven in total." Tyler shook his head. "We didn't want to interrupt you while you were working but after failing to calm him, Adrian decided to send Kaldi to get you."

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