Chapter Six

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Butters clung to my arm as we sat in the front seat of Craig's old beat up white Chevy pickup truck. Normally, I would be the one clinging to him or Craig, but my determination to protect children overtook that. The raven haired man behind the wheel had his lead foot on the gas, driving steadily at around fifty in a twenty mile per hour zone. If the only cops in town weren't already at Red's he'd have probably been pulled over for speeding. The truck took a sudden turn as it spun on some black ice just outside of what I could only assume was Red's place since the yard was lit up with red and blue lights. Craig shifted the gears, sliding it into park as the truck slid slowly into place on the side of the road. Butters was white as snow, my arm bleeding from his nails. As Craig moved to leave the truck, my free arm flew out, catching him by the wrist, "I s-swear to- GAH- B-Buddha, if you ever d-do any of th-that again with us in the t-truck, I will m-murder you and raise your k-kids myself to be better -ACK- drivers!"

"Tweek," The man smirked dangerously and looked down at my arm, "move it or lose it."

"Fuck you, Craig."

"Anytime, short-shit." I swore that man would be the death of me as my face changed through eight different shades of red and my twitch grew significantly more prominent. "Don't forget there's kids in the house."

"KIDS!" Butters and I yelped, bolting past Craig, through his open truck door, and racing into the house.

As we slid through the door, Butters wrapped his thin arms around a distraught redhead who stood glaring at the cops before her. I walked over slowly, placing my hand on her shoulder. She turned her attention to me, her blue eyes glaring into my green ones. Oh shit, did I do the wrong thing? Is she going to kill me? Can she hear my thoughts? Oh no, she was about to say something. "Who are you?"

"T-Tweek Tweak." I answered with a twitch before continuing, "I c-came with Butters and C-Craig to help with th-the kids. Are they- GAH- still in the b-basement?"

"Yes. Stupid, worthless cops." The woman snarled. "I can't get the door open and they keep stating that it's a crime scene, they can't touch it."

"W-where's the door?"

The woman pointed to a dark brown door just a few feet away. "That's the basement. The doorknob's broken so we never shut it."

"You're eldest d-daughter's M-Molly, right?"

"Yes," Red answered, cocking her head to the side. I knew she was watching me as I crossed the room to the door that kept her from her kids. "What are you doing, Twitch?"

"T-Tweek, and I'm g-going to get your k-kids free," I smiled at the girl before turning back to the door, raising my voice and steadying it, "Molly, can you hear me?"

"W-who are you?" A small, scared voice came through the door a moment later. I could hear the pain in the kid's trembling words. She was close, probably right by the door. I needed her to move as far away from the door as possible.

"My name is Tweek, I'm a friend of Craig's."

"C-Cwaig?" The hope in her voice was heart shattering.

"Yes, sweetie," I replied, gently. "Molly, I need you to be a big girl and do me a favor, you think you can do that?"

"Butters," I heard Red's high pitch behind me. "Is it just me or did he go from a nervous, stuttering spaz to a confident, in control hottie?"

"Save it, Cous." Craig's voice danced with amusement. "He's playing on the same team as me."

"SHUT UP!" I snapped. "I can't hear Molly."

They grew quiet as I turned back to the door, listening intently. After a few seconds, Molly's soft tone came through the door once more, "Mr. Tweek?"

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