Chapter Four

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I followed Craig through Token's mansion, my hand clasped tightly to the back of his jacket. I was shaking, but not nearly as bad as I was earlier. I felt awful for ruining their game and getting so dark so fast. This is why I don't have friends. I take it too far too fast. "I-I'm sorry."

"What?" Craig stopped to look at me. "What are you going on about? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Ru-ruined the- GAH- g-game."

"Look, Tweekers, we played the game to get to know you. We gave you and only you the option to pass up questions you didn't want to answer. I know it's hard for you, but trust me, you are fine. None of us are exactly perfectly happy creatures of sunlight. My family couldn't give two shits less about me. We show love with our middle fingers, dude. Kenny's a cursed immortal forced to die daily only to be reborn the next day. Butters is from a super strict family that was rather abusive and controlling. They sent him to a fucking straight camp. Cartman's a psychopathic Nazi and hateful murderer in love with an incredibly intelligent equal rights for all protester. Stan's a drunk cause he can't handle reality, Kyle's a gay jew with anger issues and a dickhead for a dad. Token's a slave to his parents' curriculum. Clyde's the reason his mother died and has severe issues with daddy dearest. And Bebe is a victim of her own beauty. Man, straight men just don't know what the fuck no means. No offense."

"Why wou-would I be off-offended?" I was about as straight as a metal spring. Or a slinky.

"Wait, are you gay?"

"We-well, you don't end up a suicidal coffee addict with no friends if you look like this and are straight. I'm as gay as it gets." I laughed. "What about you?"

"Looks like we're two peas in a pod, fucker." Craig grinned. His teeth weren't perfectly straight, probably fucked up in a fight or two, and his lips held a few scars from being split open, but it was a great smile even so. Craig was just gorgeous to look at. He was like a deadly anime guy with a slick, sarcastic personality type of hot. The boy practically oozed sex appeal. But that deep monotone he used in everyday conversation was enough to completely undo me. "Welcome to the Free to Fuck Fags group, we meet on Tuesdays."

"Are you always so sarcastic?"

"I don't have blood, its liquid sarcasm pumping in there."

"Well that's fine by me. Sarcasm's better than hatred." I smiled up at the boy as we started walking again.

After a rather confusing trek up stairs and around corners, past a few fancy rooms and through some excruciatingly long halls, we ended up out in a grassy, heated garden. It seemed to be a type of greenhouse. I forgot for a minute that I was a guest in a stranger's house and excitedly approached a gathering of my favorite flower, the tiger lily. Somehow, I ended up sitting cross legged in front of the colorful plants with a huge grin on my face. I was so entranced by the beautiful petals, I completely missed Craig pulling out a pocket knife and severing a single bloom from its stem. As I sat enjoying the warm glow of orange, the boy in blue reached out to tuck the brilliant flower into the crazy gold that was my hair. Shocked, I glanced up to meet his stormy gray-blue eyes. "Craig?"

"Mrs. Black doesn't mind if we take a flower from her garden so long as we cut the stem, not tear it and so long as we only take one once in a blue moon. This is the first I've ever taken."


"Why you?"


"Because, Tweek, you were the first to show me what something as small as a flower could do. Just now, you morphed from a twitchy spaz into a calm and happy kid. You looked so peaceful and sweet, I thought maybe if I gave you a flower to take inside with us, maybe it would help you stay calm."

"Craig," I smiled softly as I moved forward, wrapping my arms around the boy's slim, toned midsection. "Thank you."

"Let's go see what movie Butters picked."

"God, I hope it's not Frozen. I hate that movie," I laughed.

"Same." Craig grinned, "I hope it's something like Wreck-it-Ralph."

"Oh my god, I love that movie. Vanellope is so cute!" I squealed. I may be a man, but god damn it I can not handle cute things like a grown man. I end up resembling an ecstatic teenage girl. "S-sorry..."

"It's cool, man, no big deal." Craig laughed. "That was fucking cute."

I smiled and breathed in heavily, the scent of Adidas body spray and cigarettes filling my lungs. It was obvious the man before me smoked. I wondered why. Smoking had so many negative effects that it just wasn't worth it if you asked me, but people clearly disagreed. Craig was watching me as I observed him a bit longer. His hurricane eyes held a glint of interest as my own green ones slid over him. He was fucking hot. I was getting lost in his beauty when Lollipop by Framing Hanley suddenly blared from my pocket. I yelped and struggled to get my phone free from my pants. My face was burning like a fire as the song continued. Finally freeing the demonic device from the fabric, I quickly opened the text to shut up the very awkward song. "Uh..."

"Oh wow," Craig snickered as he watched me turn red and flustered. I wanted to die, or pull a Homer Simpson and just disappear into a giant hedge. "Didn't take you for a perv."

"PERV!" I screamed. "I'm not a perv! ACK! I just really like the sound of the song."

Craig only laughed harder, that is until a new song rang out. Saving Abel's Addicted filled the air. I burst into laughter as Craig turned bright red. I couldn't breathe. My lungs burned and my sides hurt, but I only laughed harder as the man before me slid his phone from his jacket pocket and silenced the song. "Uh... It's not mine?"

"Nice try." His attempted lie somehow made him so much cuter. We laughed a bit longer before returning to our walk back to the rest of the group. So far I liked most of the gang. Stan was nice and I could tell he was the type to help everyone if he could. He seemed to crave a cause to focus on. Kyle was smart and such a kind person, but his anger was a bit unnerving. He was a moral oriented being who always tried to do the right thing. Cartman was rude and honestly really scary. Stay on his good side and keep him close. He was a tiny bit kinder to those in his group. Kenny made me nervous. He was a very passionate person, but that meant he was more likely to take shit too far. Like accidentally choking me out trying to help me. He was a strange one, that's for sure. Wendy was kind and smart. She was the type of person to organize a group of people and get the best productivity from them. Bebe was a cold woman. Her beauty seemed to be her focal point. I could tell she still loved Clyde, but that she was convinced that she shouldn't be with him. Speaking of Clyde, he was a bit of a dramatic human. He seemed to thrive best in a state of emotional chaos. He was head over heels for the curly haired blonde and was sure they were just meant to be. Token's a mom friend. He's out to care for all and is a very kind and understanding person. Always there to hear you out. Then there was Butters and that man was incredibly innocent and unbelievably lovable. Go to him for long, warm hugs on a stressful day. They were great people.

"So, why did you scream about your underwear when you came to earlier?" Craig asked, breaking the silence.

"GNOMES!" I yelped, twitching faster.

"Tweek, are you fucking high?"


"Hey, Tweek?" Craig turned to look away from me, "You're crazy, but it's cute. I just have one question for you."


"Did you notice your stutter disappeared and your twitching has slowed a lot just talking to me?"

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