Po's backstory

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Cuts to the Jade Palace where two kids are seen playing with Po and Tigress action figures in the Training Hall's courtyard.

"And then, the Dragon Warrior joined the Furious six!"

"And they became the most awesomest kung fu team ever!"

"Enough talk. Let's fight!"

They play together with their action figures. Suddenly, voices and thumping sounds are heard coming from inside the Training Hall.

"Listen! Listen! You can hear the Dragon Warrior training right now!"

Inside the Training Hall, all the obstacles and other training equipment are seen as vacant. Meanwhile, the voices continue.


"Stop him!"


"It's too dangerous!"


"Stay focused!"


the Furious Five at last, staring in awe and fear at something in front of them.

"How is he doing that with his face?!"

Po is seen placing a bean bun in his mouth, which is already full of thirty-seven other bean buns. After putting in the bean bun, he smashes his fist on the table. Bang!

"Thirty-eight bean buns!"  The Five cheer.

"Yes! New record! You monster!"

"Keep going! Hit forty!" Holds out a bowl of bean buns.

"He'll never hit forty!"

PO Takes two bean buns from the plate, "You got it, buddy! I'll put it up to forty!"

"Do it!"

"No problem!"

He puts the two bean buns in his mouth and tries to close his mouth. He struggles. The Five watch in silent awe.

"Yeah...Yeah! One moment..."

When Po succeeds, he sticks his paws up in the air and begins cheering, while the Five cheer along with him.

"Well done, Po!"
Crane slaps Po on the back in congratulations, causing Po to spit the bean buns back at the Five. Monkey and Mantis are hit, while Viper ducks and Tigress blocks two of the buns.

"Your training has paid off" A gong sounds in the distance.

"Oh! Master Shifu! Gotta go. See you later!" Po points to the bowl of bean buns as he rushes out of the training hall, "You'll save those for me, right?"

Po runs and jumps across waterfalls and rocks that lead to the Dragon Grotto.

Meanwhile, a water drop falls from a stalactite inside the grotto.

On a small island in the middle of the pool, Master Shifu meditates peacefully in front of a large dragon stature.

"Inner peace...Inner peace..." Po approaches off-screen... and we hear a splash as he slips. Shifu groans.

"Inner peace..." Po appears.

"Master Shifu, Master Shifu. What do we got? Pirates? Vandals of Volcano Mountain? Whatever it is, I will take them down! Cause I'm in a mood. I need to get something done, you know what I mean?" Shifu still concentrates.

"Uhhh, what are you doing?"

"One of Master Oogway's final teachings"

Shifu looks up to a stalactite. The stalactite drops a droplet.

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