Master of chi

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"I'm gonna do something I never thought I'd be able to do. I'm gonna teach kung fu" The scene cuts to Po watching different groups of villagers train for different battle skills.

"You guys. Your real strength comes from being the best you - you can be. So who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you - you?" He goes to hacky sack kids.

"Yes, good. Good, again"

Then he goes to the rolling kids, "Good, again"

He goes to the Panda Villager who likes to hug, "Good, good, good. Again!"

Tigress becomes increasingly confused as she and Diane watches the villagers train in nontraditional ways.


"Might as well go with it" Diane shrugs.

Lei Lei walks up to Tigress, "Stripy baby, stripy baby"

"Faster. Faster! Roll those ribbons!" Po says to mei mei.

"Hug that log you, hug that log like it's the last time you're ever gonna hug it goodbye forever"

Then to the hammock launchers, "Higher, and a little more to the left this time. You can do it!"

Back to the hacky sack kids, "I don't wanna see any of these hit the ground!" He tosses up the dumplings.

LEI LEI hugs Tigress in the background, "Wait, wait, stripy baby"

"Good, try it with this" Po brings a rock. He then talks to the hacky sack kids.

"Now try it with these" Po brings firecrackers. He then talks to Mei Mei.

"Good, now try it with these!" He brings out the nunchucks

Mei Mei twirls around the nunchucks, accidentally flinging it into the air and hitting Grandma Panda unconscious.

Po continues to train the villagers. Tigress continues to look confused. Finally, the villagers stop their training and gather infront of Po.

"They are ready"

"What?" Tigress says.

"Are you sure about this po?" Diane asked.

"As sure as I am Diane"

"Alright if you say so come on princess"

The scene cuts to Po and the villagers with a giant map at the center.

With a bamboo stick, he moves food to different points of the map as he talks.

"Ok, pay attention, 'cause I'm only gonna go over this ten more times. The only entrance to the village is here. The dumpling squadron will take position here, while the cookie squadron will take position here. Now, on my signal, the two squadrons will... Right, ok"

The kids eat the dumplings and cookies. Villagers laugh.

"The noodle squadron will..." A kid slurps down a noodle. Villagers laugh.

"Alright, ok. Anyway, the important thing to remember is that this is the spot where..." Po appears frightened as a kid eats through his stick. Villagers laugh.

"Ok, saw that coming. If you only remember one thing, it's distract the jombies until I get close enough to put the Wuxi Finger Hold on Kai. You got it?" Villagers cheer and head to their battle positions.

"Pandas on three. One, two, three— Panda... You guys... Never mind. I'll teach you that later"

As the villagers run off, Po unrolls the jade scroll and sees a drawing of the battle between Oogway and Kai.

THE BAD GUYS IN: KUNG FU PANDAWhere stories live. Discover now