Cut to Gongmen City. In the palace courtyard, Masters Storming Ox and Croc spar while Master Thundering Rhino oversees their training.
Nearby, the Soothsayer watches among some bowls and incense.
Meanwhile, outside the palace, a white peacock slowly marches towards the palace gates.
The antelope guards in front of the gates aim their spears and charge at the peacock.
A second later, the guards are tossed to the ground, injured or worse, as the peacock marches by.
Swiftly slicing through the bar holding the gates, the peacock kicks the doors open, attracting the attention of the kung fu masters and the Soothsayer.
They recognize the intruder as he enters the courtyard.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen. Now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way, please leave my house"
"Your house?"
"Yes, didn't you see the peacock on the front door? Ah, there you are, Soothsayer" He approaches the Soothsayer, who glares coldly back.
"It seems that your fortune-telling skills were not as good as you thought"
"We shall see, Shen"
"No, you shall see, old goat" He turns back to the masters.
"Uh, where were we?"
"What do you want, Shen?"
"What is rightfully mine: Gongmen City!"
"Gongmen is under the stewardship of the Masters Council, and we will protect it. Even from you!"
"I am so glad you feel that way" At that moment, several wolves enter with a large wooden crate.
"Otherwise, I'd have dragged that here for nothing"
"What's in the box, Shen?"
"You want to see? It's a gift. It's your parting gift. In that, it will "part" you. Part of you here, part of you there, and part of you way over there staining the wall!"
"You insolent fool!"
Ox leaps at Shen, who pulls out a rope dagger which wraps around Ox's horn and pulls him to the ground.
Croc lunges at Shen, but is countered and has to deflect a barrage of knives with his sword.
Shen battles and defeats the two warriors before turning to Rhino.
The more powerful warrior deflects all knives with his hammer and horn and, pushes Shen backwards with a thrust of his hammer, destroying his remaining knives.
"That is a warning. You are no match for our kung fu"
"I agree... but this is"
He leaps backwards onto the wooden box, which falls apart to reveal... a dragon shaped cannon.
Thundering Rhino prepares for combat. Shen lights a spark with his metal talons and... KABOOM!
Meanwhile with the bad guys, it's been two years since Diane been to the jade palace.
Princess is 8 years old and the bad guys were about to leave for a trip.
Both princess and Diane watch as the bad guys pack, heading towards the door.
"Ok so we're gonna be gone for a week, the fridge is full, if there is any trouble call marmalade or the chief and keep a close eye on princess, we'll see you Diane, bye princess" wolf waves.
"Bye wolf" she waves back.
Then after they left Diane turns to princess, "ok princess what of you say we go to a place called: Gongmen City" Diane asked.
"What for?"
"Oh there is this big event coming up that I know you will like"
So they get to packing....
Back to the Jade Palace. Po and the Five are gathered in the arena, watching Shifu read the contents of a scroll.
"Are you familiar with the master of Gongmen City?"
"You mean Master Thundering Rhino?"
"Son of the legendary Master Flying Rhino?"
"And slayer of the ten-thousand serpents of the Valley of Woe?"
"He's dead" Po and the Five are shocked.
"Whoa" He reads the message with Tigress reading over his shoulder before he hands it to Moneky.
"That's impossible!"
"Rhino's horn defense is impervious to any technique"
"This was no technique. Lord Shen had created a weapon, one that breathes fire and spits metal. Unless he is stopped, this could be the end... of kung fu"
"But I just got kung fu!"
"And now, you must save it! Go! Destroy this weapon and bring Lord Shen to justice!" The Furious Five instantly set off. Po makes to follow.
"Yeah! Let's go, let's..." He stops, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second! How can I do this? I mean, how can kung fu stop something that stops kung fu?"
"Remember, Dragon Warrior: Anything is possible... when you have inner peace"
Po smiles and sets off. Down in the village, the villagers cheer as Po and the Five begin their journey.
"Inner peace, inner peace, inner peace... peace on!"
Po is caught off guard as he and the Five stop outside Mr. Ping's shop.
Mr. Ping runs outside with a large backpack, which upon being dropped on the ground spills a large amount of contents.
"I got your travel pack! I packed you food for weeks: cookies, buns, vegetables... and I even packed all your action figures!" He pulls out action figures of Mantis and Tigress and holds up the Tigress figure.
Po is embarrassed as Monkey laughs and Tigress looks at Po in amusement.
"Oh! Uh, hey, I don't know what those are, never seen them before in my life..."
As soon as Monkey and Tigress are off-screen, Po grabs the Tigress figure.
"Dad, you got scratches on my Tigress" Mr. Ping pulls out some portraits.
"I also packed your paintings of our best times together, just in case you get lonely! That's me and you making noodles... and that's me and you eating noodles... and that's me giving you a piggy-back ride!"
Mr. Ping and Po look at a picture of Mr. Ping squished under a baby Po.
"Isn't that cute... on second thought, I think I'll hang on to this one"
"Hey, uh, they're waiting for me"
"Of course, of course... You have a job to do... far from home... in a strange city, filled with strange people, and strange noodles... facing horrible danger from which you might never return! Don't go, Po!"
"I gotta go! I'm the Dragon Warrior, it's kinda my job to save kung fu. And if I don't... what am I?"
"You're my son!"
Po stares at him, mouth open, and doesn't answer Mr. Ping grows nervous.
"Po, it's time"
"Uh... goodbye"
Tigress watches Po walk off with the travel pack. She smiles reassuringly at Mr. Ping.
"Don't worry, Mr. Ping. He'll be back before you can say 'noodles'
She sets off along with the Five. Mr. Ping sadly watches them as they leave the village.
AdventureWhen the bad guys are away, it's Diane's turn for an adventure. Many people requested for this Diane gets invited to china for her old master: shifu to come see an event. But when Tia lung escaped, Diane must team up with the dragon warrior who is a...