Kia's wrath

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Following the Twentieth Century Fox opening logo (currently replaced with the Universal Pictures opening logo), the movie begins with Po running up some stairs.

He gets tired, but continues walking up the stairs. He finally makes it to the top, gasping for breath, until he lands on the moon, thus starting the Dreamworks Animation logo and starting the movie.

"Stairs. I don't think I can... You guys... just start without me. I'll catch up" catches more breath and laughs as he swings a fishing pole down, "Sweet"

The Dreamworks Animation logo starts splitting apart into many peach blossom petals.

The petals swirl across a magical place, where ruins are seen floating in the air.

As the petals continue to drift, a yin-yang symbol is shown for a moment, an illusion created by a coincidental placement of the rocks.

Deeper into the place, a yellow light is seen shining brightly, revealing itself to be a meditating Oogway.

"Inner peace... Inner peace..." A petal lands on his nose.

"Itchy nose" He gently blows away the petal, but breathes the petal back in and it lands on his nose; he sneezes, causing it to fly off.

"Finally, inner peace"

All of a sudden, a green blade attached to a chain starts charging at Oogway.

Music starts playing that is similar to Imagine Dragon's "I'm So Sorry" in the background.

"Now what?"

Oogway catches the blade with his eyes still closed. He then opens his eyes and sees another blade coming at him.

Oogway picks up his yin-yang staff, twirling it, and sending the first blade to hit the second one.

"Kai, old friend"

The camera zooms in far away to see a bull named Kai, who was the one throwing the blades at Oogway. He brings back his weapons.

"Master Oogway"

"Our battle ended five hundred years ago!"

"Well, now I'm ready for a rematch"

"Took you long enough!"

Kai growls in anger. He charges towards Oogway and pulls out his blades.

A stony obstacle comes along his path. Kai lets out a battle call and uses his blades to cut it in half.

He hurls his weapons at Oogway, but Oogway jumps and dodges them just in time.

"You've grown stronger"

Oogway draws a Chinese character symbol (氣?) with his chi and directs it at Kai, who is hit by the energy, but remains unscathed.

"Five hundred years in the Spirit Realm; you pick up a thing or two" He moves his hands to his belt, where many jade pendants are seen. Kai runs his fingers through them.

"I have taken the chi of every master here"


"Yes, and soon, I will have your power too" Kai starts swinging his blades.

"When will you realize? The more you take, the less you have?"

Oogway draws chi-filled yin-yang symbol, and taps it, causing it to slowly grow in size and spin as Kai comes nearer.

Kai sees the yin-yang and anchors his blades to two rocks.

He brings the rocks in front of him, and they hit the yin-yang symbol.

The collision creates a shockwave of chi, breaking all the nearby rocks into pieces. Kai traps Oogway with his chains and pulls him in.

"With your chi, I will finally be able to return to the mortal world. And this time..." He begins to take Oogway's chi and petrify him into jade.

" won't be there to stop me"

"It was never my destiny to stop you. I have set another on that path"

Oogway closes his eyes as the jade encloses his entire body. Kai compresses Oogway into a jade pendant.

As Kai brings Oogway's pendant towards him, green rays spread across Kai's body.

He looks at Oogway's jade pendant in his hand - a calmly resting turtle.

Then I will find him, and take his chi too"

He smashes the pendant on the ground, creating a ball of chi that teleports Kai out of the Spirit Realm.

THE BAD GUYS IN: KUNG FU PANDAWhere stories live. Discover now