Traveling to juniper city

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Back in Mr ping noddle mad tofu shop,

"I heard The Chameleon is a monster with an appetite of a thousand predators, and her favorite food is panda"

"They say this Chameleon character has magical powers If you say her name three times, she'll take you away in the night!"

"The Chameleon can shape-shift to look like anyone, even you"

"Or you"

"Mr. Li! Mr. Li! Is it true? Po's goin' to take down an evil sorceress?"

"The... The Chameleon?"

"Well, a Dragon Warrior's work is never done"

"Li, I'm thinking Po teaming up with a convicted felon to take down an evil sorceress wasn't such a great idea"

"Relax. Po has faced demons, demigods, and everything else in between He's always come out on top"

"You're right. You're right. But what if you're wrong?"

"Calm down, Ping.How bad can one evil sorceress be?"

Somewhere in juniper city, a mafia gang was discussing the chameleon.

"Who is she to summon us?" Asked a crime boss bear.

"Classic power move" says a crocodile.

"We're the heads of Juniper City's most prominent crime families And she's just some bug-eyed, power-hungry reptilian runt"

"You left out the evil sorceress part"

"We used to run this city. Now we pay her half the money we swindle. It's like a criminal can't make an honest living anymore"

"Yeah, but what could we do?"

"Together, we can take her down"

"Are you nuts? She's a shape-shifter. She could be at this very table, and we'd have no idea. For all we know, you're The Chameleon. Or you're The Chameleon.
Or maybe..."

"Oh, no"


"Don't say it"

" ...I'm The Chameleon" the crocodile shifts to the chameleon.

"I said don't say it" says the badger.

"We obviously spoke out of turn"

"Sorry, Chameleon"

"No, no. Don't apologize. You and your families prospered by preying upon the weak, so it doesn't feel good when you're the one being squeezed.Especially when the one doing the squeezing is just a "bug-eyed, power-hungry"...What was the rest?"

"Reptilian runt"

"Well, this "reptilian runt" wants more"

"You already have the city What else could you possibly want?"

"I have something special in mind. I'm very close to achieving it. As close as the blood moon"

"But the blood moon is two nights away. So little time, so many expenses. Which is why I'll need to increase this month's tribute to 60%"


"What was that now?"

"I mean no disrespect"

"Don't worry. I forgive you for the impudence and the backstabbing. And the blatant disrespect you've shown me, I forgive. But I never forget. You might say I have the memory..."

"Oh, don't say it" the badger says.

"of an elephant" She shifts into a elephant

"You think I've pushed you too far? Then you, my friend, can't begin to fathom just how far I can push" she pushed the bear to the stairs when he went rolling.

THE BAD GUYS IN: KUNG FU PANDAWhere stories live. Discover now