Chapter 3-travel

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hey guys i'm going to be adding some Italian in here along with some other languages. Please pardon me if I spell anything wrong or have the wrong grammar. I'm literally using google translate because I in no way speak or understand Italian. - E.R.S

After being told that it would take around 14 hours for my brother Aleesio to get here I decided to take a nap. Even this hospital bed is way more comfortable than my bed back at the house. I am now being left alone for the first time since everything went down. I really don't know how to feel, my entire life was a lie and now it's being uprooted. I'm so overwhelmed I don't know if I'm about to cry or scream. I don't know anything about my new family and I've never even left my city let alone the country. Do they even speak English? I don't know anything other than ASL and even that won't help me much in Europe. I'm suddenly really mad at myself for not taking the Italian class my school offered.


Almost 13 hours later I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm so nervous that I can barely think straight. Will he like me? Will my family like me? Will they be like John and Diane? I really don't know if I can go into another situation like that. My brothers got to know that I've been abused too. The social worker probably told him. I really don't want to be treated like a glass doll.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a loud knock on the door before a nurse opens it. "Hey Ciana, your brother is about 5 minutes away. I'm just going to do one last check up on ya before he gets here okay?" I nod sitting up in the bed. She moves towards my feet. Before slowly unwrapping them. "Hmm, they look pretty good. You should be able to walk on them but take it easy. You're lucky you didn't need stitches." she states, looking up toward me before her eyes soften. "It's okay to be nervous honey, I can't even imagine being in your situation. You're so brave." she says, moving to hug me. I let her, I can't remember the last time someone hugged me. After holding me in a motherly embrace for almost a minute she releases me wiping a stray tear from my face. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

I laugh thanking her. She smiles and nods before getting back to her job. After wrapping my feet in a less mummy looking substance she leaves but not before giving me another hug and more encouragement.

Not 10 seconds later I hear other voices outside my door. One being the familiar aged voice of my social worker and the other a much deeper, accented voice. I tense, it must be Aleesio. They talk for about half a minute, and I strain to hear what they're saying. "Poor girl has been through a lot recently with all of this change, I would expect some hesitation when you bring her home. I don't think she's been out of her old house a lot." says the social worker. My cheeks redden, she's right but it still hurts to hear that. "Of course, I would expect nothing less. Change can be difficult." says the deep voice, it's hard to make out what he's saying through the door and the accent isn't helping. I move to lean forwards eager to hear what he's saying but the turning of the handle quickly jolts me back to the bed.

My social worker walks into the room, "Ciana, this is your brother Aleesio." she says softly. I look behind her. There stands the tallest man I've ever seen in my life. Good lord, he's got to be 6,6 (198 cm). He has dark brown hair, almost jet black and blue eyes. He has a straight expression but when he makes eye contact with me it softens a little. "Hello piccolo, it's been a long time." he says in a calm voice. I don't know what he called me but I can only hope it's something good. "Hi" I say quickly but my voice cracks right in the middle of it. Damn it so much for first impressions. He smiles, shaking his head. " You sound like Cassio, you should hear the voice cracks your twin is going through right now." I smile softly. He's still looking at me, taking in the state i'm in, he must have been told that I didn't look in the greatest shape because as his eyes wander to my face and narrow in on the bruise he doesn't look surprised, maybe angry but not surprised. "Well" the social worker says, clapping her hands" we've already completed all of the necessary paperwork so you are free to go now. I wish you the best of luck in this new chapter of your life."

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