"Dinner," Cassio shouts as he slams his fist on my door. I jump, too absorbed in the novel I was reading. "Ciana." I hear him say impatiently from the other side of my door when I don't respond.
"Okay. thanks. Go without me, I'll be down in a minute." I say still trailing my eyes over the lines in the book, waiting to find a good place to stop. I hear talking before two pairs of footsteps walk away from my door. Two? My heart flips. Roman. He must still be here. Since he has been here it hasn't stopped down pouring so it makes sense. I set my book down before mentally preparing myself for this. It's fine, it's only dinner right?
I nervously walk out of my room, taking my time to walk down the stairs and into the main area. Everyone is already here, sitting down and talking though they wait to grab any food until everyone is sat down. Alessio sees me first and smiles as he sees me making my way into the area. "Piccola. There you are." he says and everyone looks, including Roman, as I make my way to my seat. I smile towards Alessio in greeting as I take my place on the left of the head of the table. "Sorella, this is Roman, Cassio's best friend." Alessio says, "Roman, my sister Ciana." I look towards Roman and see he's already looking at me. I nod to him, "Hello."
"Ciao." (hello) he responds in that deep voice. My eyebrows furrow, but I smile before looking towards Lucio besides me. Lucio takes a drink of water while leaning towards me, noticing I want to say something to him. "Did he just tell me to go away?" I whisper to him confused. Lucio's eyes widen before water comes flying out of his nose and mouth. He coughs before laughing so hard he pounds his hands down before banging his head on the table. I quickly glance up towards Roman but look away quickly when I realize he never stopped watching me. I look towards Elio who sits across from Lucio, he has a spoonful of soup halfway to his lips, his face is pinched as he wipes the layer of water that was sprayed straight from Lucio's mouth from his face. I blush, embarrassed, scowling at Lucio. "What! That's a valid question!" I say it loud enough for everyone. He just laughs harder, taking deep breaths before laughing again. He heaves as he sits back up before looking at me, seeing my expression brings him into another laughing fit. I scowl leaning back into my chair and folding my arms across my chest.
"What did you say?" Gio asks across from me, using a napkin to wipe his own face of spit-water. Before I can respond, Lucio says from besides me, "God you've got no clue" before laughing again, "Good fucking luck in that Italian class sorellina." He laughs but starts calming down. I'm still sitting against my seat with my arms crossed. "I just asked for a translation."
It's Cassio that responds this time with a small smirk, "you don't know what ciao means?" I don't dare look at Roman.
I blush, "doesn't it mean goodbye." Everyone grins but Gio speaks, " I mean she's technically right, just not in this context."
Lucio laughs from beside me, "she didn't say that," he says before laughing, "she said, and I quote 'did he just tell me to go away'" he continues before falling back into his laughing fit. I pout looking down but I don't deny it. I hear chuckles coming from around the room. " Trust me, το μικρό μου ελαφάκι, I was just saying hello," (my little fawn) I hear Romans deep voice say. I blush even more, but try to hide it.
"I'm not eating that damn soup." Cassio says, breaking the silence, "Lucio's spit is in it."
Elio nods, "I need to take a shower." I laugh.
"I do too." Gio states before looking at his ruined, home-cooked meal, "Well, I guess we can just order something, though I don't know who will deliver in this weather." It turned out that only a local pizza place does, so we ended up getting that, to Gio displeasure. He apparently isn't a huge fan of this place but it was the only one. I'm briefly curious as to how the Pizza deliverer will be able to get through all of this security. When I asked—someone other than Lucio—they said that they would just drop it off at the main gate, which makes sense.
half an hour later, we're all showered and we all end up sprawled about the family room, watching some weird alien movie as we all eat greasy pizza and bread sticks. I end up somehow in between Cassio and Roman though I honestly don't know why or how. I was right even sitting down, his upper body towers over me. I have to resist looking at his veiny, muscled arms less than a foot from me. I try not to react to any movements Roman makes, whether leaning back or propping up his feet.
Both of them are talking in what I think is Greek around me and it's frankly quite annoying. I sigh loudly before getting up but a hand stops me. "Where do you think you're going sorella," Cassio says, smirking. "Somewhere else," I state looking in between the two boys, "you're literally talking around me and it's quite annoying as I am trying to watch the movie so yes I am going to sit somewhere where I can't hear you." they look between each other mischievously before Cassio lets me go. I give him a sarcastic 'thank you' before making my way to the other couch.
I'm able to peacefully watch the movie for about five minutes before I notice their talking getting louder and louder. They are almost shouting at each other even though they are only sat two feet away. I see them glancing at me once in a while so I know they're not arguing. I scowl at them but don't react beyond that. In response they both move to me, squeezing me in between them still talking at the same level. I leave it alone for a few minutes but eventually get mad enough to tell them to be quiet. They just get louder. "ragazzi, lasciatela in pace." ( boys leave her alone) I hear Alessio's voice ring out from the other side of the massive room. Finally, my savior. I slap both of their knees as I get up and walk towards my eldest brothers.
"Thanks," I mutter to Alessio as I lean into his back. He spins on the stool at the mini bar he is at until he's facing me. "You okay?" he asks as he rubs the tops of my hands. I nod leaning into him again, "I'm just nervous about school tomorrow." he hums.
"Do you want to go up to your room?" he asks. When I nod, he gets up with me and walks me to my room. Waiting in one of my comfy chairs as I get ready for bed. "Big day tomorrow," he starts." I nod, belly flopping onto my bed. We stay in silence for a while, just thinking to ourselves. "I want to give you this." He then takes a small box out of his pocket. "All of us got one after you were taken." he says then hands it to me. I open it, finding a beautiful necklace inside it. It is a snake chain necklace that holds a charm with an emerald centerpiece that is supported by two dark feathered wings. "It's beautiful." I say quietly.
"You see the emerald?" I nod "in case of an emergency if you twist it it will alert us. It has a tracking feature that turns on when the emerald is turned." I looked towards him in shock. "Try it," he urges. I look skeptical before turning the bright green gem. About 5 seconds after I do so, Alessio's phone goes crazy, buzzing and flashing all sorts of colors. "See?" I nod turning it back into place. I've never seen a piece of jewelry be so advanced, you can't even tell.
"I want you to wear it all of the time. It was so painful, finding you gone sorellina. I just." he pauses, "We all started wearing these for our own safety once you were kidnapped. It would make me feel a lot better if you had it on. " I will, where's yours?" I say, now curious I had never noticed it on any of the boys. He pulls down the front of his shirt and I see the same necklace, though a little bigger, resting on his neck. "Even Roman and Romeo have one."
"Romeo?" I question.
"He's my best friend, and Romans older brother. Their parents live in Greece so Roman lives with Romeo. They actually live very close to us. Anyways, Romeo is in the U.S right now so Roman is going to be staying with us for a little while." I nod, ignoring the butterflies at knowing he will be close.
"I want you to know that you can always text me or any of the boys if you have any problems or want us to know anything , okay?" he says looking into my eyes to make sure I know he's serious, "even if you think it's nothing."
'I know." I say, having heard this many times from different brothers. He slowly nods before looking at the time. "School starts at 8:30am, the boys will leave here at 8:15, Gio usually has breakfast ready at 8:00. What time should we wake you up?"
I think for a minute calculating how long I'll need considering I'll need to shower tomorrow morning and get ready. "An hour?" I say, "so 7am." Alessio nods before wishing me a good night's rest and to not worry about tomorrow. It takes me almost an hour to fall asleep as I was not listening to Alessio and was definitely worrying about tomorrow.

A New hope
General FictionCiana Aleesia Ambrosi has always had a hard life. At the age of 4 she was kidnapped and taken from her family for 10 long years. When her kidnapper suddenly gets into a car accident and the other runs away she is turned into the long awaiting custod...