Chapter 6-a lot of food

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I slowly open my eyes, quickly shutting them again when bright sunlight blinds me. I gasp, quickly sitting up. Sunlight? Shit, I must be late. Johns going to kill me if I don't have everything done soon. Darting my head to the left and right, I look into the unfamiliar room confusion and fear quickly hitting me. Wear the hell am I?

I quickly stand up and stumble around the massive bed. Trying to find anything familiar. There's nothing besides a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt on the floor that look like mens. Mens? Something clicks in my brain. brothers? Oh right, I'm not at John and Diane's house anymore.

I take a deep breath before sitting down on the bed again, trying to calm my racing heart. What if my brothers expect the same things from me again. I think for a minute before realizing that they said that breakfast was at nine and that they would wake me up for it. They must not expect me to cook breakfast then. Quickly checking the time on the alarm clock beside my bed I see that it's 7:28. I sigh knowing that I'm not going to be able to fall asleep again.

Maybe I should clean. I smile. Yeah, I'll clean. I stand up careful to not use my left arm for support, stupid thing still hurts from when John dislocated it. I walk towards the bathroom before brushing my teeth and checking if I look ok. The massive bruise is still taking up a major part of it, but all of the boys saw it before so I don't see a point in covering it.

Sighing I make my way to the closest. Clothes. What should I wear? I try taking my pajama t-shirt off but a sharp pain quickly stops me as I lift my arm. I groan, holding it in place, damn it. I think I just popped it out of the socket, looking into the vanity in the closest I see that it is definitely out of place again.

I think about asking one of the boys for help but quickly banish that thought. I'm already seen as weak by Cassio and Tullio, I don't want them to see this too. I groan as I move around my left arm, trying to see if it will go back into place that way. I gasp as the pain increases tenfold. Nope, that didn't work. Fuck, I'm going to have to put it in by myself again. I lean against the back wall of my closest before getting the arm into position. I take a deep breath before snapping it into place. I let out a small scream before I could stop myself.

I hear a thump on the other side of the wall before someone mutters something in italian. I pause, trying to be as silent as I can. Cassio, that must be Cassio. I think his room is right next to mine. Of course I had to choose to set it against this wall. I hear some shuffling again before everything goes silent again. My shoulders sag as I realize he must be going back to sleep. Good I didn't bother him too much, that could have gone bad.

I slowly make my way off the wall before walking closer to the door that goes into my room, still holding my tender shoulder. I guess I'm not changing my shirt now. I try to remove my fluffy pajama pants but that proves too difficult as I try to use one hand while having to keep my upper body stiff.

Tears slowly well up in my eyes as I continue to get more and more frustrated. I don't know what I'm going to do. Last time my arm wasn't this bad nor hurt this much. I sink down the wall balling up as best as I can against the floor. Tears stream down my face as I quietly cry before they dry up, I continue sitting there holding onto my damaged shoulder and zoning out, thinking about my unknown future and my trauma filled past.


I'm pulled out of my thoughts by two sharp knocks on the main door. Startled, I quickly stood from my spot. "Ciana, get up. It's time for breakfast." I hear what I think is Cassio's voice says from the hallway. "Ahh yeah. I'm coming." I shout quickly. Wincing from moving my bad shoulder as I stood up. I run into my bathroom splashing water on my face to remove the tear marks and try to get rid of my red eyes.

I Turn the door handle, before stepping to the hallway. Cassio's leaning against the opposite wall, picking at his nails. He looks up when he hears me, "took you long enough." He assesses me coldly, from my messy hair, pajamas and me still holding my left shoulder. He narrows in on my arm before I quickly let it go, trying not to show the pain I'm in from my now loose arm. He continues staring at me before shrugging and making his way down the hallway.

I follow him through the hallways and into the main room downstairs. I pause when I hear the racket and noises from others. I don't know what I was expecting but every single one of the boys down here wasn't it. Everyone pauses as Cassio and I make our way towards them.

Gio, Bless him, starts talking, cutting the tension, "Good morning sorella. Did you sleep ok?" I nod and smile at him. "That's good, why don't you sit down at the table. I'll make a plate for you." He says. I thank him and hesitantly make my way towards the massive dinner table before realizing that I have no idea where to sit.

I stand in front of the table awkwardly and I can feel them all watching me. "Piccolo." I hear. Turning toward them again I see Alessio walking towards me. "Here, come sit next to me." He says, gently leading me with my arm. He pulls my left arm, meaning to lead me to the seat but agonizing pain starts and I try my hardest to not show it.

I walk with him a few seats before he pulls back the seat to the left of the main chair. I sit down, still trying to get the attention off me. Once I'm sitting some of the boys start talking in Italian and the chatter resumes. I sigh looking around, not seeing anyone looking at me and slowly grab my shoulder. Trying to stop the rolling waves of pain.

I'm stopped by a plate full of food being set in front of me, pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruits, and strawberry toast. I gawk at the sheer amount of food, it's practically overflowing from the plate. I hear a laugh from beside me, " you don't have to eat all of it, amore, just do your best" Gio says.

Lucio sits besides me. Having to take 3 trips from the kitchen to get all of his food. As the boys fill in around me I realize that I have almost no food compared to them, all of them having at least 2 plates overflowing with food.

They all wait to dig in until everyone is sitting down so I do as well. Tullio happens to be the last, and as soon as he sits down everyone pounces into their food. I'm taken aback at how fast they scarf all of it down. Elio already had an entire plate cleaned by the time I took my first bite.

Alessio who's been watching me for a little while leans towards me, "pigs" he whispers to me.

I laugh, causing the boys to look up from scarfing their food. Lucio happens to open his mouth causing a piece of bacon to fall out of his mouth. I laugh again, and I swear I see everyone's lips curve upwards at the noise. The commotion calms down and for the next 15 minutes I try to eat as much as I can. Which ends up only being about a fourth of the plate.

I'm eating with my right hand, causing me to awkwardly drop some of my food. My uncoordinated right side which I normally never use is failing me. Tullio is eyeing me from the other side of the table before a look of realization comes over him. His eyes narrow in on my left side. Crap he's figured it out.

By the time I take my final bites most of the boys are on their third if not fourth helping. I'm not so surprised anymore by the sheer size of them if this is what they eat everyday. All of them are crazy in shape and even Cassio being fourteen has to be close to 6,2 (188 cm) and he's the shortest of them all. I can only hope that I'll grow more, I look like a toddler next to them. Tullio has narrowed his search to my left shoulder, I can practically see his brain working out what's wrong with me through his eyes.

"Sorella, we wanted you to have the chance to get anything you want or need. Would you prefer to go somewhere like a mall or shop online?" Gio asks when everyone starts slowing down. Knowing myself I would probably be more comfortable staying here but im in Italy now, with no-one knowing me or my backstory. This could be a new start for me, a new beginning. "The mall." I say with fake confidence. Gio smiles at my choice.

"I'll take her." says a voice I haven't heard before. Elio looks straight towards me before looking towards Alessio. "Elio you are not taking her on your motorcycle. non è nemmeno legale per te avere un passeggero." (it's not even legal for you to have a passenger.) Alessio states looking towards him. "da quando ci preoccupiamo se qualcosa è legale o no?" ( since when have we ever cared if something is legal or not ) Elio fires back.

"Motorcycle? I've always wanted to ride one. Can I?" I ask, already getting used to them talking in Italian around me. Everyone turns towards me before looking towards Alessio. Whose expression is in between worried and mad. He looks towards me before sighing. "Fine." I see Elio smirk out of the corner of my eye. "but both of you must wear full gear and you," he says, narrowing his eyes towards Elio, " must be very careful." Elio just nods, brushing off his piercing stare

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