Chapter 17-okay

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-Two weeks later- 

I've gotten into a bit of a habit now; wake up, get ready, breakfast, school, rot in bed once home, dinner, homework, evening ride with Elio, do something with my brothers either movie or video games, get ready for bed, get tucked in my Alessio, sleep, repeat.

While I used to rely on habits to survive, I now find them Monotonous and boring. As much as I shouldn't complain about my life now, I find myself searching for something. Companionship? No, my friends adopted me into their group. We now hang out all of the time at school and I've even been asked to hang out outside of school, though I never took them up on it. Affection? No, My brothers provide more than enough for that, they practically suffocate me with their blanket of love.

When I brought this up in the current discussion with Elle and Amara, they had looked between each other before grins spread across their faces. "Cia babes," Amara starts, "Have you ever been in any sort of romantic relationship?" They both snicker as my face reddens.

"She needs some dick," Elle's normally innocent voice starts.

"Or pussy if she's into that like me," Amara finishes with a wink.

I look towards them both appalled, before making sure no one is listening to us in the busy library. "You two," I whisper yell, "we're in public." They both shrug their shoulders. Mari, what I've started to call Amara, talks again, slightly lowering her voice for my sake, "Are you into pussy?" she asks, unashamedly. "I," I start, "I don't think so." She hums, her darker features studying me as a squirm uncomfortably.

Elle, bless her, says, "That might be what you're missing, some love in your life." I roll my eyes at her. "That is not going to happen anytime soon," I mumble looking down.

"Oh come on," Mari prys, her British accent showing, "there's got to be someone you fancy?"

A certain dark haired individual pops up into my mind. Roman has recently moved back to his house since his brother came back home, so I haven't been seeing him as much but he seems to pop up everywhere to pester me. As much as he's handsome he's also annoying. He seems to have made it his purpose to do the slightest little things to annoy me, grabbing my phone out of my hand, putting something on a top shelf so i can't reach it or be annoyingly good looking.

"Ooh, she's blushing, she does like someone!" Elle states a socially unacceptable level for a library. I hush her, debating if I could dig a hole in my seat and die in it as at least ten people turn in our direction. "Who is it?" They both question at almost the same time. I swear my face turns as red as a tomato.

"Who's who?" I hear a masculine voice question from behind me. I stiffen, nervous energy surging through my body. Out of my peripheral I see two hands close around the back of my chair. Though there were not the hands I was expecting, Looking up I'm disappointed to see Luca's curious face peering down at me. Now feeling nothing, I try to put a pleasant smile on my face.

Luca mysteriously disappeared after the first day of school, no one heard from him for about a week, then he just appeared that next Monday, acting as if everything was normal. Though he always looked over his shoulders. I heard some of my brothers complaining that some of their friends went missing too. When we asked him about it, he had just said that a family emergency had come up. No one really thought more about it but I feel like there's something I don't know about that.

"Oh, hey Luca." he takes this as an invitation to sit with us, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he takes a seat next to me. I instantly tense up, trying to move away though his arm keeps me in place. "What were you guys talking about?" I death glare at Elle and Amara, daring them to stay anything. "Oh nothing, just some girl gossip." I get out, quickly interrupting anything that they could have said.

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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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