Chapter 8-healing

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Tullio POV-

Somethings wrong, I know it. Ever since I've been a kid, I've always had this feeling when something is wrong. People can't hide things from me, it doesn't work. I know when someones lying, pretending, or if they're hurt. Especially if they're hurt. Ciana is hurt. Probably in many, many more ways than I can sense but from what I can tell her feet hurt, lower back, and her left shoulder. She tries to hide it from us but she doesn't know who she's going against. And I'm not going to stop until I know where she's hurt, how she was hurt, and who she was hurt from.

I have been watching Ciana since she has gotten here, which is now coming up in 24 hours, reading her facial and body expressions. Besides the obvious bruise on her face, there are some things wrong with her. I didn't mean to be rude last night when I said that. Some people say I'm blunt but I just say I'm honest. And something is wrong. When she thought no one was watching at breakfast today she forgot to look behind her. I saw her holding that shoulder of hers.

It's crazy to think that she's finally here, Elio and Lucio say that they can't remember much of anything about her. I don't get how that works, you remember the traumatic parts of your life, like breaking a bone. That day was about as traumatic as it could get. I remember learning something in school last year, that your brain purposely forgets traumatic events. I think that's what had to have happened with my brothers because the memory for me is so shockingly vivid.

We used to fight for who got to wake her up, all of us brothers. Ciana was the cutest when she was freshly waking up, well, she was always cute but extra adorable then. I had won the right to get her up that day, so I was the first person to find her tiny little bed empty, her room ruined, and the window gaping wide.

Mama was the first one to get to the room after hearing my cries for help. I remember her falling to her knees when she saw the destroyed room. A sixteen year old Alessio was second, pulling me out into the hallway and away from the carnage. Our Papa not far behind him ran into the room too, but Alessio had taken me far enough to not see anything but my little self could still hear my parents raging and screaming for their daughter. Everything changed after that day. Now that she is back, I'm going to help her whether she wants it or not. Starting with the physical pain.

Determined, I stand up from my desk, abandoning the school work I was doing. I walk towards one of my many dressers, grabbing my medical materials. I honestly have no idea what I'm going to be dealing with so I grab out everything and anything and set it on my bed. Gio and Alessio have a habit of getting hurt when working so I often end up being the ones to patch them up. We have a family doctor but with me getting more into my schooling I have started working on them and other members of our mafia if the injuries aren't too serious.

I walk down the hallway, going to grab her. I don't really know how I'm going to put this without sounding creepy. I knock on her door, "one second" I hear her say from inside. I start to get nervous, wait why am I nervous. She opens the door, peeping her head out. When she sees me her eyes widen in shock. "Tullio?" she questions.

"Come with me." I ask, but it sounds like more of a demand. she hesitates before opening the door more and stepping out. "Okay" she says quietly, nervously. I curse myself internally, she's not going to like this. Maybe this is too soon, I should give her a few days to settle in. But we are already in front of my door, I stop in front of it, pausing like an idiot. I turn towards her. She at least deserves an explanation. "You're hurt. You can't hide it well. I'm in my 3rd year of medical school so I know what I'm talking about. I'm gonna fix you.'' She looks at me nervously and goes to take a step back. Fuck, "sorry, that didn't come out the way I wanted it too." I said quietly, this wasn't a good idea, " I mean, I noticed that you are in pain so I wanted to help you." I say more politely.

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