Chapter 22-payback

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Roman P.O.V-

I adjust the brass knuckles on me, looking at the scene in front of me. Diane Mitchell, if that is her real name, sits in front of us, sobbing. Alessio burns her with a branding tool, placed right in front of her heart. This is the side of Alessio that none of us want to see, the Don. The man who has tortured and slaughtered to get where he is now. The man who will do anything to protect his family. This woman in front of us maimed and tortured his beloved sister and took her from him for 10 years. Ooh was she in for a fun ride for the rest of her miserable life. Alessio hums a children's nursery rhyme as he throws away the brander and grabs a small, dull knife from a table of many torture instruments.

The woman begs as he approaches. He ignores her, dragging a metal stool close to what we call The Hell's Chair. It's a huge metal monstrosity with all sorts of fun gadgets. Her wrists and ankles are fastened to the chair from metal outdents, a metal bar holds her waist to the chair, and her neck is bound by a metal bar always slightly choking her, the chair allows us to tighten that as well.

Alessio calmly sits down on the stool, close to her right side. He continues humming as he forces her hand flat and saws off each of her fingers knuckle by knuckle. The woman screams. "Gag her," he spits out in Italian; Elio shoves the sawed-off knuckles into her open mouth before taking a long strip of black fabric and wrapping that around her head and tying it. He then forces her to chew and swallow her own fingers. Alessio looks up towards him, looking somewhat proud before focusing on sawing away again.

My older brother leans against the wall next to me. "αδερφέ" (brother, Greek) I say casually as we both watch the scene in front of us, Alessio has now moved on to her other hand. (The following conversation is in Greek)

"How was the U.S?"

Romeo sighs next to me, "boring as always but at least I had someone to hunt this time."

"You do enjoy doing that don't you," I mumble; my brother is amazing at finding/stalking people. "Did you hear what happened to Ciana?" He grunts but the way his fists clenched tells me that he knows. His voice comes out rough, "you know who it was?"

"I have my suspicions," I knew exactly who did it to her. I should have never left her alone in that house, I should have chased after her. I knew he was at that party, and I knew what he wanted to do to her. "Say brother, how about we go for a ride." Romeo turns his head to me, grinning.

We leave the Ambrosi siblings to their fun, grabbing a few tools from the table before slipping out of the door. We climb up the countless stairs leading down to the basement before walking out of the doors, nodding to the guards. We are both quiet as we walk back to the Ambrosi house. Their dungeons are about a five-minute walk from their house and are in the middle of the woods, there is no path so someone must know where you are going to be able to find it.

We walk straight to their garage, and I grab one of my bikes that I keep here and point to another one for my brother. Geared up and helmeted we rode off and onto the main road. It feels good, going riding with my brother. It's been a long time since I have, probably from when he first taught me to ride. We speed down the roads going at least three times the speed limit.


We look up at the Willwood academy, the setting sun making the old castle look gothic but beautiful. It was shockingly easy to find his dorm number and even easier to get access to the dorms. My brother and I look at each other through our ski masks before slamming open the room's door. We hear a feminine shriek before a redheaded girl flees from the room in only a sheet. Luca Fucking Bianchi lays causally on his bed, his tiny, still hard wiener assaulting my eyes. Romeo shuts the door, locks it, and pulls a chair under the handle. I stalk towards Luca grabbing him by the scruff of his neck and throwing him into the middle of the room. "Who...who are you? I... I haven't done anything," his voice squeaks as he tries to regain his footing.

"Huh," I say, my voice brimming with anger, "nothing?" My brother leans against the adjacent wall.

"Who are you?" he repeats, scared.

I pull off my ski mask, knowing that there are no cameras in the dorms. His eyes widen and he takes a shaky step backwards. I slowly move forward, matching his every step backwards. "I told you not to mess with my girl." His back meets the wall, and he looks around like a cornered cat, trying to find a way to escape. "Do you remember what I said I would do to you if you touched my girl?"

He darts around my approaching figure. I let him bolt, knowing that Romeo will grab him. Turning around I find him being held in the air by the scruff of his neck. My brother, his ski mask now removed, looks at him in disgust as he wiggles around in the air trying to free himself. After a minute, and some light begging, he sets him down roughly.

"Admit it Luca, you hurt my girl." Luca's eyes turn towards me, anger and fear mixing within them. He looks between my brother and I, before going smug "she was so tight. All wet and warm, oh she fought so hard but, in the end, she just was so sweet and willing for me. Don't worry Roman, you can have my leftovers." I snarl, seeing red but before I can hit him, he is completely slammed by Romeo. Romeo chokes him out and I swear he's going to kill him. In the last seconds he leans down and whispers something before releasing him.

Luca scrambles to his feet, gasping to try to regain air. "Fight me!" he yells, suddenly brave. Anger swirls through his earlier admission though I keep it controlled. I raise my eyebrows, "you're the one running little boy." He snarls, charging me in the room. I'm ready, ducking under his fist planned for my face and punching him straight in his unguarded stomach.

I leave my back to him, taking my time to turn around. I give my brother a look before turning to see him hunched over, holding his stomach. Taking full advantage, I knee him in the face before dragging him to the ground, adjusting my brass knuckles before plummeting punch after punch into his disgusting face.

My brother Drags me off of him, "don't kill him yet, I haven't gotten my full turn yet." I grunt, shoving his hands off of me. Somehow that made me even angrier than I was before. I look down, seeing a completely passed out rapist in front of me.


Roman and I ride home, a car full of guards hauling Lucas passed out body back to the Ambrosi house. Romeo uses the coms system to talk, "Your girl huh?"

"Don't start with me Romeo."

His deep laugh fills the com, "might just have to tell Alessio, I'm sure he will be thrilled." I glare at him though I know he can't see me through my helmet. we're quiet for a while before I start up again, "do you think he was telling the truth. Was Ciana actually raped?"

Romeo sighs into his com, "I sure hope fucking not. Let's hope he was just doing that to bait you."

"What a suicidal move," I mumble. I see him nod from the motorcycle beside me.


I stalk up the stairs of the Ambrosi house, planning on sleeping here for the night. A door closing interrupts me and I turn to see Ciana stepping out of her room. Her face turned towards me in surprise, not expecting me to be here. "Little fawn" I say in greeting. She nods towards me slowly, stepping towards my direction. "R...Roman," her voice rings out, more timid than her normal sarcastic/snarky voice. I think of how differently she looks from the last time I saw her.

I take a step towards her but stop when I see her take a small step backwards. A jolt of anger shoots through my body, not at her, never at her, but at the boy who did this to her. She looks to hype herself up before slowly making her way towards me. I tense with every step, trying to make myself smaller to be less intimidating.

She stands only a foot in front of me now, looking up into my eyes with those fawn-like features. I slowly raise one of my hands, careful not to startle her before gently tucking away a strand of hair behind her ear. She smiles lightly, leaning into my touch. I want to caress her cheek but restrain myself and let my hand drop. Ciana grabs my hand and brings it up to her face letting me caress her cheek. A small tear rolls down her face. Frowning, I gently wipe it away before making eye contact with my little fawn.

"Sorella, Roman."

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