Grab your undies, this is a long one- E.R.S
I knock on Cassio's bedroom door at exactly 8:30 pm. I'm wearing a cute black skirt, and a white, tight tank top under one of my many robes. Cassio and I had orchestrated our plan to sneak out last night. What a had to do are as follows;
1 - When I woke up this morning, I needed to complain of feeling sick, but not sick enough to miss school
2 - Not eat as much at dinner, to fake a sick stomach
3 - not my daily evening ride with Elio and instead go to bed early
4 - When Tullio is sent to check up on me I make it believable that I don't feel well but its not serious enough to go to a doctor
5 - Have Alessio and Gio wish me a good night around 8 pm instead of 10 pm
6 - Be 'asleep' at 8:20, when Alessio makes sure that I have actually fallen asleep
Our plan had worked, shockingly well, and I can't help feeling a little guilty as I get pulled into Cassio's room. He, of course, didn't have to fake anything, since the older boys usually leave him alone at night. "Did you put pillows under your blankets?" He whispers as he shuts the door quietly behind me. I nod, "I even but some old hair extensions that Lucio jokingly got me on the pillow to look like hair."
Cassio walks around the room, grabbing some random objects to stuff under his blankets. I take off my fluffy robe, "does this work?" Cassio looks towards me, nodding at my outfit. I leave my robe in his dirty clothes hamper. "Give me your phone." I look towards him curiously but give it. I opened it up before handing it to him. He messes around on it for a minute before handing it back to me. I look towards him curiously, "it's so they can't track you. They have it enabled on all of our phones, I found that out the hard way. Parental code on some shit app called follow, the code is 1932100 if you were wondering." Shrugging, I try to commit the code to memory. it seems a little overkill that the boys would have another way to track me besides the necklace, which I wear everyday.
We walk out onto his balcony, the only light being the almost set sun. Cassio grabs the railing and swings his body around to the other side, now hanging around 10 feet from the ground. He then swings his legs, gaining momentum, before gracefully letting go and landing in a roll to break his fall. Something tells me this is not his first time sneaking out. I peek over the railing, yeah no way, "you know what i'll just stay here."
Cassio rolls his eyes, "Come on gemella. Just do what I did, I'll catch you if you fall." (twin) I hesitantly climb over the railing, careful not to look down. I shimmy myself down until only my hands hold me to the railing. "Cassio!" I say, panicked.
"Shhh. Just fall, I'll catch you." a doubt goes through my mind, what if he doesn't catch me on purpose. I'm ready to climb back up when one of my hands slips. I quietly shriek as I fall mid air for what feels like forever. I close my eyes, sure this is my last moment and I'm about to break my neck. Arms wrap around my body, holding me up under my knees and back. I peek an eye open, looking into Cassio's somewhat amused face, "You really thought I wouldn't catch you." When I don't say anything his face turns more somber. "I know I was an asshole to you, but you're my sister, scratch that you're my twin. I... care for you." I nod, smiling, remembering that not so long ago I thought that he would have hurt me if I said or did anything wrong.
He gently puts me down and starts walking into the woods in the opposite direction of the garage. "Where are we going?" I ask him.
"The garage is littered with cameras, not to mention the security booths we'd have to get past without alerting Alessio. We have to walk to a car I parked out here last night, don't worry it's not far but we do have to avoid the patrol shifts."

A New hope
General FictionCiana Aleesia Ambrosi has always had a hard life. At the age of 4 she was kidnapped and taken from her family for 10 long years. When her kidnapper suddenly gets into a car accident and the other runs away she is turned into the long awaiting custod...