Chapter 19-almost

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He turns towards me, his feral eyes locked in on me as I back up to the wall opposite the door. "L..luca." I state nervously, my eyes shifting from him and the door. This is not good, what the hell am I supposed to do, wait, Luca is my friend he would never hurt me, right?

I smile slightly at him, "Luca how are you, sorry you got a little bit wet?" I say, trying to cover the nervous tremor in my voice. He doesn't say anything, but slowly walks towards me until his body traps mine against the wall. I look up into his face, seeing nothing but anger and embarrassment. "Luc..?" I'm interrupted as his fist slams into the wall next to me, making me flinch hard. Panic shoots through my body and adrenaline fills my blood stream, I need to get out here.

My eyes dart to the door, and I go to duck under his arm to escape. His right hand grabs the front of my throat, the same spot that roman just held. Somehow roman made me feel safe even with my life in his hands, capable of snapping my neck. But this, Lucas grip is chokingly tight like he doesn't want me to get any air in. At one point he lifts me up, my feet dangling in the air, only being held up by my neck. My vision goes out on the rims and I faintly hear myself begging him to let me go. 'Please someone help', I think to myself, wishing to get the words out, I should have never left Roman's or even Cassio's side. Just as I'm about to pass out he throws me onto the ground. I gasp out, taking in the much needed air, but it's quickly cut off again as he throws himself on top of me, roughly kissing me. I struggle against him, bucking my hips to try to get him off of me.

He rolls his hips into mine in response. Terror fills my body as he laughs into the kiss, his hands moving around my body. Even in the states I was never sexually assaulted, and I don't know what to do to get him to stop. I yell out telling him to stop and calling for help, though I don't know if anyone can hear me over the loud music. His hand clamps onto my mouth muffling my calls.

The necklace, I need to twist my necklace. My hands shake as they desperately go to my sore neck, trying to find the necklace. Luca stops his assault on my body, watching me, before realizing something and grabbing my hands in his other hand. "Oh, no you don't. I know about your little crime family's way of finding each other." he says before grabbing my necklace and tugging it so hard the chain breaks, he throws it to the other side of the room and all of my hope is lost. Tears fill my eyes and I do nothing to hold them back.

This is not my friend Luca, he was kind and considerate, the man in front of me is cruel and filled with anger and I wonder if my friend Luca was always just a mask. My memory moves back to when Roman told me to stay away from Luca, that he was bad news. I should have seen it sooner, but now it's too late.

I continue to fight him, struggling with my mouth covered and my hands trapped. His hips pin mine to the floor, making it even harder to move, his mouth replaces his hand. He rips open my top, groping my boobs and moves to pull down my skirt. Please God, I think, I went so many years being strong, please don't let this happen to me now. I manage to get one more scream for help out before he shuts me up. My mind goes blank and I can feel myself fighting him though I'm almost zoned out now, dissociating. I feel his hands moving down my skirt and the cool air against my skin, tears flow down my face now.

"SLAM" my dissociated brain processes, "SLAM." I see Luca look up towards the door cursing, "SLAM." The sound rings one last time. My consciousness slowly returns to my body at each one, a fragment of hope zings through me. The door breaks in, and a fair haired woman rushes into the room, "Get the hell off of her!" She's familiar, but my brain doesn't process who my savior is. Luca doesn't, only looking at her like she's an inconvenience, she pulls something black out of her waist band, a gun. "Now!" he slowly does, letting go of me and standing up, raising his hands. I curl into a ball, shielding myself. She holds the gun steady on him as he stands there, "get out of here, Leave." she commands, her voice holding a small tremor. He does, moving out of the small room, her aim follows him, and I can hear him run down the hallway, getting away.

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