Mothers day?

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"Hunny! We gotta go! Quick" you yell to you husband from the front door.

Your water just broke and you are heading to the hospital. You husband, Andrew, went to go grab the bag and keys.

"Alright I'm her. We're going." He says opening the door and helping you down the step and into the car. He runs around the car to the drivers side and starts the car.

"This is really happing. Holy cow. We're gonna be parent." He say smiling at you.

You smile back. "Yes. Now can we go?"

"Yep sorry." Andrew say putting his seat belt on and pulling out of the driveway.


"I didn't think today could get anymore boring. But hey, it did." Lucy says to Jackson while there on patrol.

"At least we arnt doing a major case today. I have to get home on time for Mother's Day." Jackson says

Lucy shrugs her shoulders. "I've got no where to be today. My mom is mad at me and don't invite me over this year."

"Bummer." Jackson says

"Officer west go to channel 9 please." Nyla comes over the radio.

" everything alright?" Jackson says talking into the radio

"Yeah we just need some more first aids over at the park. There's been a Mother's Day party gone wrong." Nyla says.

"Want us to call for an ambulance?" Jackson asks while turning onto the street.

"No need to. We've got one there are just a lot of people."

"Alright we are on our way." Jackson says then puts the radio down.

Once they arrive lucy and Jackson are immediately told what to do and are helping people when another ambulance shows up.

"Hey where do you want us?" Bailey says stepping out of the truck.

"Over there is two people who have got leg injuries to serious for us to treat. And then that's should be it." John says to Bailey pointing.

"Alright we'll get them loaded up." Bailey said walking over to help

A half hour passed while everyone is making sure everything is alright. John is talking to the main host of the whole gig.

"Alright well have a great rest of Mother's Day. And please don't start anymore fires." John says shaking the ladies hand

"Of course. We are so sorry this happened." The lady says before walking to her car.

Bailey was looking at her phone while Lucy and Jackson wait with her. John starts walking over to thank at the same time Nyla and Angela do.

"That was fun. Did everything go alright with the ambulances?" John asks Bailey who's still smiling and typing at her phone. "Bailey?"

"John guess what." Bailey says still looking down.

"I'm what." John says looking at everyone else.

Bailey turns her phone around to show a picture of you and Andrew at the hospital. "Andrew texted me. Y/ns water broke and she is in labor." Bailey looks around. "Oh hi everyone. Look y/n is having her baby."

"Oh ok gosh is that today!" Lucy says excitedly

"I cannot wait to see a little l/n." Nyla says. "I wonder who their baby will look more like."

"I bet y/n. Those l/n genes seem like they are pretty strong." John's says

"But I must remind Andrew's nephew looks just like his brother." Bailey says

"The real question is if it is a boy or girl. And what they name it." Angela says.

"Oooh good point." Jackson says.

"Wait she's having her baby on Mother's Day. That's so cute." Lucy says

"That is really cute." Jackson replies

Everyone keeps talking while they walk to their shops. The day was almost over and you were about to have a baby.


It has been a few hours since you have gotten to the hospital and you are almost going to start pushing.

"Alright you ready?" Your doctor asks before getting ready.

It feels like forever but eventually your a baby is born.

The nurse looks up at you and Andrew. "It's a girl." She smiles

You look over at your husband and squeeze his hand while smiling. "We are parents."

"We are" he repeats you and gives you a kiss.

Another few hours pass and you've decided on the name and everything. You pull out your phone to call everyone.

"Hey y/n! How are you!" Lucy joins first.

"I'm good. Just getting to snuggle this little ball of sunshine." You say showing your daughter to the camera.

Once everyone joins you say  "ok we have fenced in the name. So I guess this is the official unofficial gender reveal." You say laughing

"Hurry up y/n!" Jackson says

"Alright this is Zoe Grace l/n." You say smiling

"A little girl on Mother's Day. That must be the best gift ever." Angela says

"Love her name." Bailey says sitting next to John who kids with her.

"Yep. Named after captain Anderson." You say smiling at you daughter.

You guys keep talking for a bit before it comes to an end.

"Well when will we get to see her?" Angela asks

"Hopefully soon. We can plan a get together in a few weeks." You say

"Alright. Bye y/n! Take care of the little princess." Jackson says before lacking the group cal.

Eventually everyone leaves and you are looking at  Zoe while Andrew sits next to you.

"She so looks more like me." You say with scrunched eyebrows

"Whatever. Look at her nose. That's mine." He counters

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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