hey dad.

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You walk into the station after a long weekend. You took Thursday and Friday off to fly home because you dad passed away. You didn't tell anyone and just flew home. You help your brother with some things and you don't plan on having a funeral as your dad would not have wanted one.

You and your dad were close. He loved that you moved away to peruse you dreams. You promised to visit all the time so he wouldn't get lonely but you know how those promises go. He was always your number one supporter no matter how far from home you were. You could always call him after a rough day at work.

Now as you walked into the station that is all your mind could go to. Anything and everything reminded you off him. You felt as if everyone around was moving a thousand times faster than you.

"Y/n?" Lucy's says waving her hand in front of your face.

"Sorry. What did you need?" You ask

"I just asked if you were okay. You spaced out during roll call." She says concerned

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind." You say

"I can tell. Do you want me to drive today?" She asks

"No way." You pause thinking of every worse case senecio that could happen if you space out while driving. "You know what. How about you do drive."

"Yes!" Lucy says running to get the war bags.

Instead of getting up and following Lucy you stay in your seat. The same feeling that everyone is moving faster than you comes back. You can't seem to stay focused today. "Y/n you alright" Grey says snapping you back into reality.

"Uh. Yes sir. I was just going to help set up the shop." You say getting up out of your seat.

He pushes your should causing you to sit back down. "Nope. I will not stand here and listen to your lies. You just sat here starting at the wall for 5 minutes. Lucy is ready to go just waiting on you." He looks at you concerned

"Yeah sorry I was just thinking. I won't let it happen again." You say getting up again walking to the shop. Grey watches you walk out. "I'm worried about you" he says to himself.

As you sit in the passenger seat staring out the window, you try your best to stay focused. You seem to have a better grasp on reality while on patrol. "So. How was your long weekend?" Lucy asks "do anything fun?"

"Not really. It was nice to have a short break but it could have been better."  You reply

"Wanna talk about it" Lucy asks genuinely

You think about it for a moment. Lucy is a good listener and she should know in the case that you lose focus again. "Not really" you say

"That's okay. Just asking." She says driving around

You get a call shortly after your conversation about a shot fired location. "Do we take it?" Lucy asks. You don't reply your mind is thinking about what happened this weekend. "Y/n!" She yells again. You still don't reply. "Y/N! Do I take the call or not?!" She yells finally snapping you out of it.

"What. No sorry what." You yell back.

Lucy pulls over the car. "What the hell is going on   y/n. You are never this distracted." You don't reply

"Go back to the station. We should catch up on paperwork for the cases last week." You say still staring out the window. Lucy pulls back on the road and drives back. You are sitting at a table in the break room on your phone.

"Hey y/n!" Jackson say cheerfully. He grabs a cup and starts filling it with coffee. You were so focused on your phone you never realized he was in the room.

He looks over at you on your phone. His face is confused with a bit of worry. You were usually so alert to everything that was going on. He walks out of the room and tells Lopez. Someone who hopefully can figure out what is wrong.

She walks in to you still in your phones "Officer l/n? I thought break time was only five minutes." She laughs. You don't reply not knowing she's in there. "Y/n?" She says as she sits down.

"ANGELA! Oh my goodness you scared me." You say putting your phone down. Angela glances at your screen before you shut it off. It was open to messages with your brother planning something but she could read fast enough.

"Everything alright?" She asks making eye contact with you.

"Yeah. Just tired. Hard coming back from a long weekend." You reply

"That's good. Wouldn't want you to lose focus on the job." She says

"Yeah that would be bad." You say

"Yeah Jackson was talking me about how he saw you in here a little bit ago." She says taking a sip of her drink

"Yeah. Jackson. He came in here?" You ask

"Yeah. Not even less than ten minutes ago." Angela replies really concerned now. "Y/n. What is going on?"

"No-" you start to say before getting interrupted

"And don't give me some bullshit answer like nothing." She says sternly

"Nothing that concerns you." You say upset, getting up and leaving.

You walk to greys office. You can't take it anymore. Being at the station so distracted and distant from reality. "Grey I need to talk to you." You say standing in the doorway to his office.

He looks up from his papers. "Yeah come in." He says. "So what's going on?"

"I just am going to need a few more days off. I really don't want to explain why and I know I just took off two days but I really am not ready to be back and I don- " you begin to rant

"Y/n, you are a great cop with amazing skills. You are always so aware and alert of what's going on but today I feel like that skill got thrown out the window. Don't come back to work until you get that back." Grey says

"Thank you sir." You smile a bit

You go back to the break room to grab any papers and your phone you may have left. You walk in and see Angela looking at your phone.

"Angela what are you doing?" You say causing her to drop your phone on the table

"I'm sorry. I just noticed you were upset and I wanted to know why and Lucy said you weren't going to say why." She pauses and looks at you. "Y/n I'm just worried about you. And now I know why. And it makes sense."

"Yeah but that gives you no right to go through my phone." You say still upset

"Y/n. Your dad just died." She says caissons you to start crying. It coming out of someone else mouth makes it all seem so much realer. "Oh y/n" she goes over and hugs you. "You are amazing. Take your time. This is tough"

After that you go home and drop some stuff off before getting in your car and driving around. You don't know where you are going. You drive until you reach a beach. You walk out of the car and start to walk on the beach.

The sun is going down and about to set. You sit in the sand and look at the sunset. The beautiful colors of orange and yellow.

"Hey Dad." You say out loud as if he was right there with you. "I wish you stayed a few weeks longer. I would have come visit you again." You lay your head down on your knees. "Life is so hard without you. The station feels weird. Honestly everything feels weird. I just need someone in LA that can help me. I don't know what to do." As if on command someone wraps their arms around you.

"I'm sorry." Lucy says as she continues to hug you. "Grey let me have the rest of the day off so I followed you since I was worried about you."

There was a silence. You weren't mad at Lucy. In fact you were glad someone was here with you. Your glad you have a family here in LA too. Even if it isn't your real family, LA is your home.

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