Chapter 3

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December 2, 2023

The next morning, Fae and Ally dragged themselves out of bed, their minds still foggy from the night before. They stumbled into the bathroom, grabbing toothbrushes and then attempting to tame their unruly hair.

"Ugh, I can't believe we have to go to school today," Fae grumbled, glaring at her reflection in the mirror as she attempted to brush out a particularly stubborn tangle.

Ally let out a tired groan, rubbing her eyes as she leaned against the sink. "I know, right? Can't we just skip and sleep in for once?" she whined, her voice laced with exhaustion.

Fae scoffed, rolling her eyes at her friend's suggestion. "Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "We'd get our asses handed to us by our parents if we did."

Ally chuckled weakly, nodding in reluctant agreement. "True," she admitted, a hint of resignation in her voice. "Guess we'll just have to suffer through another day of hell."

As Fae and Ally strutted into school, they spotted two friends by the lockers: Sophie and Fiona.

Ally wasted no time diving into a colorful retelling of last night's bash. "Holy shit, you two missed the wildest damn party ever!" she exclaimed, her arms flailing with excitement as she recounted the chaos.

Sophie and Fiona's eyes widened with intrigue as they hung onto every word, soaking in the drama of Ally's narrative.

But their gossip session was abruptly crashed by the arrival of two familiar figures: Sam and Uzi, looking like they were ready to start a riot. Yes those guys from the party fyi they are classmates.

Fiona's jaw clenched as she locked eyes with Sam, her ex-boyfriend. Before she could even brace herself, Sam exploded like a damn volcano, his voice booming with anger. "What the fuck, Fiona? You think you can just dump me and pretend like nothing fucking happened?"

Fiona shot back, her voice dripping with sass. "Oh, cry me a river, Sam. I don't owe you shit," she retorted, tossing her hair over her shoulder with a defiant flick.

The tension crackled in the air as the crowd around them grew, eager for the drama unfolding before their eyes. Fae and Ally exchanged exasperated looks, silently praying for this shitshow to end before first period.

Sam's tirade continued, his voice rising with each accusatory word. "You're telling me it meant nothing to you?" he demanded, his eyes blazing with anger.

Uzi attempted to back him up, his voice echoing with righteous indignation. "Yeah, Fiona, you can't just treat people like disposable fucking toys," he added, his tone echoing Sam's frustration.

But before the situation could escalate further, Fae stepped in, her voice cutting through the chaos like a sharp knife. "Enough," she interjected, her tone firm and commanding. "This shit is not happening here."

Her words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, the hallway fell silent as everyone turned to look at her. Sam and Uzi exchanged a tense glance before finally relenting, their anger simmering beneath the surface as they stormed off in opposite directions.

"Fucking hell," Uzi muttered under his breath as he started to walk away.

Fae's eyes narrowed as she caught his comment. "Uzi,  just mind your own business, when you're stirring up drama left and right," she retorted, her voice sharp. "Learn to keep your fucking nose out of other people's shit."

Uzi's face reddened with embarrassment as he mumbled an apology before hurrying off after Sam, leaving Fae and Ally to exhale a collective sigh of relief.

Fae, Ally and Sophie exchanged a glance before heading off to their classes, leaving Fiona to vent her frustrations to them.

In the privacy of the classroom, Fiona unleashed a torrent of emotions, her voice laced with anger and hurt as she ranted about the breakup. "I can't believe he had the nerve to confront me like that," she seethed, her hands clenched into fists. "After everything he put me through, he has no right to act like he's the victim."

Sophie nodded sympathetically, her brow furrowed with concern. "Seriously, Fiona, you deserve so much better than that jerk," she reassured her friend, reaching out to squeeze her hand in support.

At recess, Fae found herself alone, saw Kai and David chatting. Kai's gaze lingered on her, and she offered a small smile in return. Suddenly, she felt someone corner her against the wall. It was Uzi and Sam.

"We need to talk," Uzi demanded, getting straight to the point.

"Make it quick," Fae retorted, bracing herself.

"Why are you hanging out with that loser?" Uzi sneered, nodding towards Kai.

"Don't call him that, and why the hell should you care what I do? Remember what I said, mind your own damn business," Fae shot back, unflinching.

Sam chimed in, backing up Uzi. "You were wasted, DRUNK and alone with a guy you barely know. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Leave me the fuck alone! You know jack shit, and you can't dictate who I hang out with," Fae snapped.

Uzi's frustration boiled over. "We just fucking care about you, Fae!"

Fae paused, her expression softening slightly. "Thank you, but I know what the hell I'm doing," she replied firmly, before turning and walking away, leaving Uzi and Sam to digest her words.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Fae gathered her belongings and headed for the exit, her mind still swirling with the events of the morning. As she stepped outside, she was surprised to find Kai waiting for her, a concerned expression on his face.

"Hey, Fae, mind if I walk you home?" he asked, falling into step beside her as they began the journey back.

Fae nodded gratefully, a small smile playing on her lips. "Sure, Kai, that would be great," she replied, feeling a sense of relief at his offer of company.

As they walked, Kai couldn't help but notice the troubled look on Fae's face. "What's wrong?" he asked gently, his voice filled with concern.

Fae hesitated for a moment before sighing, deciding to open up to Kai. "Uzi and Sam are so fucking pissed off that we're friends," she admitted, her frustration evident in her tone. "They've been giving me shit all day."

Kai's expression hardened at the mention of her classmates' names, but he quickly composed himself, offering Fae a reassuring smile. "Fuck 'em," he said bluntly. "Don't let those assholes get to you."

Fae couldn't help but smile at Kai's words, for his unwavering support. "Thanks, Kai," she said, her voice soft. "I needed to hear that."

As they reached Fae's doorstep, she hesitated for a moment before rummaging through her backpack. With a sheepish smile, she pulled out the familiar ushanka hat, the same one she had borrowed from Kai at the party and forgotten to return.

"Hey, Kai, I almost forgot," she said, holding out the hat to him. "I borrowed this from you at the party and totally spaced on giving it back. Sorry about that."

Kai's eyes lit up with surprise as he reached out to take the hat from her. His grin widening as he accepted the hat. "Thanks, Fae."

God she loved it when he said her name.

Fae shrugged, feeling a sense of relief at finally returning the borrowed item. "No problem, Kai," she replied, returning his smile. "Thanks for walking me home."

With a final wave, Kai turned to leave, the ushanka hat perched jauntily on his head. Fae watched him go, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her chest at the simple exchange. And as she closed the door behind her, she couldn't help but feel the bond that had formed between them.

Do I like him? She thought to herself...Does he like me?

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