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Their faces was a centimeter away from each other as he was still bending to her face's level. "You look very handsome tonight." She whispered. "Thank you for coming." He says and takes the gift with a warm smile, their hands brushed, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and gratitude.

Radhika couldn't help but feel a surge of hope as he begins to unwrap it, her heart pounding in her chest. As he finally reveals the contents of the gift; A letter with a key chain It was a cute crochet Kangaroo key chain, and a book given the title "Our memories"(a symbol of their shared memories), there's a brief moment of silence as he takes it all in.

Then, his expression softens, and he looks up at her with an understanding that goes beyond words. "It's so cute Radhika, Thank you so much." Just as he was done appreciating Radhika, A girl approached them. She looked like a batch mate of his. "Hey Ahaan"

Suddenly, a flash of envy courses through her as Radhika noticed the other girl, elegantly dressed and exuding confidence, approaching the boy. In her hands, she carries an impeccably wrapped gift, undoubtedly expensive and luxurious.

As Radhika watches from afar, a pang of insecurity grips her heart. She can't help but compare herself to the other girl – her own handmade gift suddenly feels inadequate, her appearance plain in comparison to the other's polished glamour.

Her insecurities momentarily drowning out the joy she felt from seeing Ahaan appreciate her handmade present. She watches with a knot in her stomach as Ahaan graciously accepts the lavish offering, his eyes widening in surprise at the expensive gesture.

But to Radhika's surprise, instead of being swept away by the luxury of the gift, Ahaan's gaze soon returns to her, a genuine smile spreading across his face. He turns back to the handmade gift she had given him earlier, running his fingers over its carefully crafted details with admiration.

In that moment, Radhika's jealousy dissipates, replaced by a rush of relief and warmth. She realizes that, despite the allure of the expensive gift, it's her heartfelt gesture that truly captures Ahaan's attention and appreciation.

As the other girl's presence fades into the background, Radhika's confidence is restored. She sees herself through Ahaan's eyes – not as someone lacking in comparison to others, but as someone special, whose genuine efforts and affection are valued above material possessions.

With a renewed sense of self-assurance, Radhika approaches Ahaan once more, her insecurities replaced by a quiet confidence. In his eyes, she sees not just gratitude, but a deeper connection that transcends expensive gifts and fleeting appearances. 

And in that moment, she knows that her love for him is enough. With each step closer to the boy, her heart races with anticipation, unsure of what his response will be.

When she finally stands before him, their eyes lock in a silent exchange filled with unspoken longing. In that moment, the protagonist feels a surge of bravery, ready to lay her heart bare.

With a trembling voice, she begins to speak, "Ahaan, I know you will have a wonderful life ahead, you're capable and worthy of that. You have no clue how much the time spent together means to me. You're truly the best brother Arya could have.

I know you'll soon leave, to build your life, to build yourself into the most alluring man ever. And I hope we see each other again, not just now but every time in the future. I don't know what kind of place I hold in your heart, but to me, you're not just a friend I want, but also the love that I need. You're the first guy that made me feel this. 

And I know it's not just friendship. Every moment we've spent together has been... special. And I can't help but feel like there's something between us, something... more." Her words are tentative yet filled with sincerity. She tells him how much he means to her, how every moment spent with him has filled her heart with warmth and joy.

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