Catching The Bird; Kai Parker

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Kai Parker's house was a three story mansion. A tall brown home styled like a huge cabin you'd find in the woods. The house was beautiful. Decorated with flowers and Ivy. Almost like it was something out of a fairy tale.  The neighborhood was known for being closed off and full of rich families with secretive lives. It was hard to find the home due to it being hidden behind large trees and bushes. A stone wall surrounded the house. Too tall to see over or climb. A black gate stopped anyone from entering the driveway. A pass code along with a speaker was placed on the stone fence next to the gate. Reid, Blake, and Hotch decided to to talk to the girl first. They couldn't be sure that she was the unsub they were looking for. Or that she even knew the unsub.

Hotch pressed a button on the passcode box. A camera on the stone wall above the box staring straight at him. There was a buzz an robotic voice spoke.

"If you are a guest, Press One. If you are a family member, press Two. If you are Medical Assistance such as EMT, Firefighters, or a scheduled doctor, please, press Three. If you are Law Enforcement, press Four. If you are none of the above, please press Five. To have me repeat the options please press Zero."

The agents in the car shared a look with one another. None of them had heard of security sounding like an answering machine. If they said they were law enforcement would Kai Parker run away? Hotch took the chance. He pressed Four and waited.

"Hello. This is the residence of Kai Parker. How can I help you?"

"Im Special Agent Aaron Hotchner with the FBI. Can I come in and ask you a few questions?"

There was a moment of silence. Then instead of a robot, the voice of a young woman sounded through the speaker.

"Show your badge to the camera."

The voice was quiet. Soft. But there was a rasp to it as if the speaker was sleepy. Hotch found himself wondering if he woke the young woman up even though it was two in the afternoon. He took his badge out of his jacket and held it up to the camera.

The woman's voice, whom the agents assumed belonged to Parker, did not speak again. Instead there was a loud buzz and the gates opened. Hotch drove onto the long drive way of the property. The gates closing behind him. Hotch, Blake, and Reid looked at their surroundings. The property had quiet some land. Most of it a garden of many flowers and plants. A few water fountains. Everything was well kept. Clearly Parker either really likes nature or she likes to hire people to help her show off.

Hotch parked on the driveway. Stepping out of the car and leading the way to the door of the property. Blake knocked on the door before ringing the doorbell. It didn't take long for the door to open. They were met with a skinny, short woman about 5'2. She was in dress pants and a collared button up shirt. Her hair neatly up in a high ponytail. She looked very professional. Other than the fact she was wearing socks and holding a mug of coffee.

"Kai Parker, we're with the FBI. Can we come in?" Hotch asked. The three agents showing their badge. Kais eyes were droopy and there were bags under her eyes. Her eyes met Hotch's and the agents noticed she seemed to cower under his gaze. He made her scared.


"Uh, yeah, sure." She opened the door wider and let them in. Shutting the door and locking it behind them. Normally this would raise alarm but she was very rich and lived in an area that had quite a bit of crime. When they stepped in they noticed what looked like an Ipad built in the wall. They watched as Kai put in a code. "Follow me."

They followed her into the living room. An open area with a large tv and large fireplace that was lit. Two couches sat facing each other with a table in between. A fluffy rug sat on the floor. Large enough that the table and couches both fit on top of it. There were shelves pushed against the walls of the living room. All filled with books. Yet despite the the six shelves and them all being full, there where a few piles of books stacked on the floor by the shelves. Reid looked over the book options. One shelf was filled just with books on different religions. Next to it a shelf dedicated to things about the human body. Books on bones, blood, DNA, the human brain, along with books on sociology and psychology. Books about different disorders and syndromes. Like OCD, ADHD, Autism, PTSD. Another shelf was dedicated to History. The one next to it with books about different places around the world. He noted that not one of those books had anything to do with America. The shelf that caught his attention the most was the one that had stacks of books on the floor next to it. The shelf was filled with all kinds of children stories. Picture books, books for different reading levels. None of the books going passed the age for freshman in highschool. Most however seemed to be for kids in elementary school.

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