The Notebook

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Almost everyone had left. Thankful the case was over and eager to get home and rest. Three members however where still in the building.

Derek walked into Hotch's office. Rossi was sitting in a chair in front of Hotch who was at his desk. Both stood up when Derek entered. "Have either of you seen Kai writing in this notebook?" Derek asked.

Derek held up a pocket sized blue notebook. "Yes." Hotch says. "I saw her writing in it while we were on the case. It looked like she was writing down the profile." Hotch wondered why Derek was in possession of the notebook and why the notebook was important.

"No. Not the profile. Her profile." Derek says.


"Not only did Kai write a profile she created but she made a list of evidence, things she believed the unsub did or would do. What his likes and dislikes are. She even wrote the time and date she figured everything out. She knew our unsub was married a day before we did." Derek says. He opens the notebook, flips to the third page and puts it down on Hotch's desk. Hotch and Rossi both lean forward to see Kais writing.

"In prison they treat serial killers like kings. Once they're aware of all the terrible people she killed. But she didn't like prison. She took the deal." Morgan says. "I just don't understand her. Did either of you see the look on her face when I walked that guy to the police car?"

Rossi and Hotch both shook their heads.

"She was staring him down like prey." Morgan says. "Her hand was on her gun. I thought she was gonna shoot him, but then as soon as I passed her she let go. She wanted to kill him so badly but she didn't."

"Kai doesn't see herself that way. A King. Or a hero." Hotch says. "More like she did what she had to do. She wouldn't want to be treated like she was better than anyone. All she's done for years is hunt down people like Murphy. To let him walk away must have been very difficult for her."

"She did well." Rossi says letting out a breath. He had taken the notebook in his hands and looked through it. "Not just with these notes but on the field."

"I agree." Hotch says. He notices Morgan nod reluctantly. "Her notes prove how good she is at the job. Is something wrong?"

"No." Morgan says. "It's just that, you saw the clothes the officers gave her. The skirt. Kai was uncomfortable in it. Kate noticed it and told JJ. When they went out to get something to eat they stopped by and bought a few pairs of pants for her. In return, when Reid and I went to the gas station to pick up some coffee she bought too small stuffed animals and gave one to JJ and one to Kate."

"She had money?" Hotch asked.

"She had cash and a Debit card. Apparently the head of the DOJ let her keep her money and let her carry some around. But that's not the point. The point is, we have spent years going after this girl. A killer. A very skilled, intelligent, rough, killer. And now we're working with her and she's acting like a completely different person."

"Derek we profiled all the bad parts of her. What made her a killer. You don't have to be evil to be a killer." Rossi says. Morgan sighs and nods before leaving the room. The two elder members watch as he left.

"What do you think about Kai, Aaron?" Rossi asked, setting the notebook back down on Hotch's desk.

"She's fine. Doesn't like me though." Hotch states.

"I don't think she likes most of us. She tolerates us. She does seem to like Reid and Garcia though."

"That's not what I meant." Hotch says, sitting back down. "It's clear she tolerates everyone. She works well with the team. Isn't good at voicing her opinions on things for the case. She'll get there though. However, she just tolerates me less than the others."

"She does seem to avoid you. Never really look in your general direction. I don't understand. Something like that normally wouldn't bother you this much. Or even at all. What's really bothering you Aaron?"

"At first I thought it was just a problem she has with authority." Aaron sighs. He leans back in his chair. "But I realized it's because I remind her of Redner." Hotch clearly is upset by this.

Rossi sighs in realization. "The way you speak. How stern you are. How much you two look alike. Other than him having blonde hair and green eyes of course. It makes sense. I'm surprised I didn't see it sooner."

"Me too. I know that Kai is a murderer, that she's killed people, bad people, but still... It does make me feel... uncomfortable. That I remind her of the very person that drove her into killing in the first place. Someone who has caused her so much pain. She has plenty of memories to haunt her for life and to have someone she has to see almost everyday, that looks almost exactly like him, and acts almost exactly like him...It's terrible. I cant imagine the things that go through her mind every time she sees me."

"There's nothing you can do about it Aaron." Rossi tell his friend. "It isn't your fault that you resemble Redner. Soon she will realize you're nothing like him. Just, if you really don't want to make her feel that way, let her see the softer side of you. I'm not saying become besties or anything. Just show her the Aaron I know. That we all know. And she will come out of her shell." Rossi assures him.

Hotch nods and relaxes slightly. He knows that his friend is right.

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