Catching The Bird; Finale

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(This chapter is quite long so be ready!)

It had been two days since the team had met Kai Parker and Garcia had just found something that would change everything. She runs straight into Hotches office. Quickly passing past other agents and workers. She doesn't knock or ask to enter instead she bursts in. Hotch looks up from the papers on his desk and makes eye contact with Garcia. Garcia ignores the fact that that Rossi and Morgan are both in the room.

"Hotch I found it. We were wrong. It is a girl. Its always been a girl. She was right under our noses and we didn't see it. But I do. I do now. And it's all going to happen today. Right here in Virginia and-"

"Whoa whoa whoa. Baby girl calm down. What's happening?"

"The Bird!" Garcia blurts out. "I found him! Well, not him, it's a girl! I found her and she's in Virginia and she's about to kill another person! I know wheres shes going! I just sent you the address!"

Hotch stands up. "Morgan get everyone to a car now. Rossi you're with me. Garcia Ill call you in the car so you can tell everyone what we need to know on the way."

The agents quickly leave the room. Garcia makes her way back to her "cave" to get a call ready to connect to everyone.

Everyone in the team is in one of two cars. Heading to an address 20 minutes away. Garcia connects them all on a call. Reid, Blake, and JJ share a car. Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan in another.

"What did you find Garcia?"

"So after we found Kai Parker, I put some alerts on her credit cards." Garcia starts.

"She hasn't been in any one hospital for long because she travels to where ever she is needed the most. Today I got an alert that she was nearby. So I looked into her phone records and then with some of my amazing tech skills; I hacked her phone and looked into her search history. She recently looked into a man named Redner. He was a teacher at her high school. And get this he was kicked out after he got arrested for peeping. Not only that but when Redner still teached Kai said Redner sexually assaulted her. There was evidence of an assault but here was no prove it was redner. But after that Kai would show up to school and every few days she'd have a new bruise or cut. She never told anyone who hurt her."

"Because it was Redner and nobody believed her the first time." Blake says.

"Thats what Im thinking. Anyway, it was when Redner was fired that Kai was able to move away and go to college. Redner has been reported to watch children at playgrounds and has gotten multiple sexual harassment charges since being fired."

"And how do you know that Kai is The Bird, Garcia?"

"Well, after hacking her phone, I have probable cause to look deeper into her. So I looked at her bills and money. A Lot of the murders committed by The Bird have been when Kai was working in the hospital there. And the ones that weren't where she was working were committed while she was on the way to a different hospital. I also have records of her buying the computer we found at the hotel. The weapons she used to kill her victims. And even the ink and stamp of the bird she uses as her signature. Its her. It has to be." Garcia says.

"Were just a few blocks away Garcia. Great work doll." Morgan says.

"PG OUT!" Garcia says before hanging up.

The team turn off the sirens as they approach the quiet, average, neighborhood. When they make it to the address they get out of their cars and draw their guns. Hotch has JJ and Morgan go to the right side of the house. Rossi and Blake the other side while he and Reid head straight for the front door. Which to their luck, is unlocked. The two enter the house quietly and hear a loud crash of glass from their left that has them both move in the direction. Their met with an open kitchen and two faces. One belonging to Kai Parker and the other must be Redner.

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