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Although quiet wasn't really the best word to describe the office, it was the word that came to Kai's mind. It was the word that had been in Kai's mind a lot lately. She thought that now, with the team's case involving the politician over, that she could finally be at work and be stuck bored in her so called: "safe" house.

It was too quiet in that stupid house. She had been praying for the team's case to end so she could finally go to the office. Anything to get out of the house and away from the annoying police officers that acted as if they were above her.

But now that she was here, she began to wonder if it was worth it. Everyone was sat at their respective desks. Hers was face to face with her team's doctor. He was quickly reading through the pages of a file. One of his hands holding onto one of the various pages while the other twirled a pen around. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Every few minutes his gaze would move to the notebook next to the file so he could jot something down.

The other members of the team were doing something along the lines of the same thing. Everyone had their own file to go through and their own reports to work on. The only sounds reaching Kais' ears was the movement of papers, pen clicking,  and JJ munching on Cheetos.

So while the room wasn't exactly quiet, Kai felt like she was going to go insane if someone didn't say something soon.

Finally she stood up and slammed her own file down. A case about a person who went missing in Arizona a year ago.

The slamming of the surprisingly thick file was enough to get the teams attention.

"I swear to god if I have to go one more minute without at least some light conversation I will start giving you graphic details on how it feels to use an axe on human flesh!"

JJ and Kate exchanged a look.

"That's a strange threat." Kate commented.

"It's not much of a threat either." Morgan spoke up. He gave Kai a look of amusement from behind his computer. He leaned to the side so he could see her. "Not very threatening. But a little concerning."

"Would you prefer the details of a gay serial rapist who like to cut of the gentials of his victims and how I killed him, then cut off his balls and shoved it down his stupid mother fuc-"

Morgan had quickly jumped up from his seat, running over, and covered her mouth with his hand.

"Okay! Okay! Let's talk. Anything but that." He pleaded.

She took hold of his wrist and moved his had from her mouth.

"You would think with your reputation of being "sneaky" enough to hide from the cops, you would like some quiet."

Kai gave Morgan a look that called him stupid.

"You think just because I kept low that I didn't do normal people things like have basic human interactions?"

Morgan looked lost. "Well...No."

She gave him an exasperated look. The sight making Kate and JJ giggle.

"I mean you seemed pretty focused on the whole murdering thing."

"So? I still get bored and like to have conversations. Sure, it was mostly conversations with bartenders and victims- not including my own-"

She was cut off by Hotch's voice coming from upstairs.

"We got a case." He called out before turning away.

"Thank god." Kai and Morgan's voices rang out together. The two look at each other in slight annoyance afterwards before grabbing their things and following their teammates.


I now have somewhat of an idea of how I want this story to go. Thank you for being patient as I worked on figuring it out.

I now have 1k views thank you so much!!

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