Breathe pt2

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"I'm sorry. But I've never seen them."

"Well what type of woman do you see most?" Reid asks the woman.

Rossi, Spencer, and Kai all headed over to the closest munch to find answers. They talked to the owner. Showing her pictures of the victims.

"High powered professionals. After barking orders all day, they need a submissive outlet." The woman answered.

"And how has "Bare Reflections" influenced the scene?" Rossi asks.

"By completely ruining it. Interest in the munch I host has gone up. While this is a safe place this isn't for fans."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Reid questions.

"It's Amature Hour." The woman speaks annoyed. "They flaunt their red scarves and act like Carson Bale is real. My group is a safe haven for true dialogue."

"Instead you see desperate soccer moms looking to impress their friends." Kai nods.

"Exactly. They've taken over. They act all risque, but they really arent. And they ignore our rules."

"Cause despite its popular image as dark and orgiastic, BDSM play has complex rituals, roles and dynamics that frame the experience, am I right?" Rossi asks.

Spencer and Kai share a look.

"Yes. We feel the key ingredients of good BDSM play, communication, respect, trust, result in the same connection to body and self found in positive traditional sex."

"Has anyone come in wanting to discuss breath play?" Spencer asks.

"No. That topic is forbidden, and any attempt gets a lifetime ban."

"Well," Rossi says. He reaches in his jacket to pull out a card to hand to the woman. "If you hear something, please let us know."

She nods. "I will." She smiles and walks away. Both Spencer and Kai give him a weird look.

"What? I dabbled in my senior year." Rossi says.

"Ah, college." Reid says.

"Ah, High school." Rossi says, making his way out of the building.

Reid looks shocked and Kai snorts.

"A group like this should have been a haven for the unsubs recruitment, but it wasn't."

"No high risk victims." Reid says.

"Garcia checked the Madison area and found nothing." Rossi says.

"So what if the victims were all outside the Madison area?" Kai asks, realizing what Spencer was thinking.

"Looking for past high-risk victims outside of Madison is completely ingenious because now we're getting somewhere." Says Garcia on the phone. "I mean, fool me once and all that, but don't worry, you're not going to fool me twice, because I'm going to get you!"

"Garcia." Hotch says.

"Sorry sir. I'm just super pumped because I've used my complete and total Bad-assery-ness to bust a move through layers of local legal bureaucracy, and I have learned that Sarah Young, a street prostitute in St. Paul- say that five times fast- was murdered last year. And get this her and two other prostitutes, were strangled with Nylon rope, turned up 8 and 15 years ago. One in Iowa City and the other in rural Illinois."

"He knew crossing state lines would make it more difficult to link the crimes." Hotch says.

"That's a very different cooling off period." Kate says. "I wonder what was so special about those dates."

"First kills were in 2000." Reid says writing on the crime board. "2007, and then he went dormant until last year. What triggers him?"

"Deaths in the family?" Hotch asks.

"He could keep losing jobs." Derek says.

Hotch notices Kai. Her eyes are alert and just very slightly shifting from one foot to another. So slowly he barely noticed it. She knew something. "Kai." Her head perks up. All eyes on her. "Say it."

"Sorry sir?"

"You know something so say it." His voice was harsh and threatening. But also soft enough that the threat isn't necessarily a warning of harm but of seriousness.

"Sex crimes." She says. Her eyes find Kates for a split second before looking at the crime board to avoid everyone's eyes. "What interferes with sex drive? Children." She says.

"The addition of a child would disrupt even the happiest of couples." Kate says understanding.

"More specifically, the births." Spencer nods.

"Each of the kills corresponds...?" Kai dragged out the last word.

Reid turns to her and his eyes light up and he nods eagerly. "What if each of these kills corresponds to the birth of the unsubs children?"

"Garcia," Hotch speaks. "How many men in the hunting zone had a child in 2000?"

"I'm slicing through hospital records. In 2000, 16 area men, caucasian in that age range, had their first child, and because I know what the follow up question is going to be, five of them had their second child 8 years ago."

"And again last year?" Hotch asks.

"Hmm. Two lucky fellas."

"Were either one of them busted for something like peeping or exposure?" Kate asks.

"Yes and no. Theres a Patrick John Murphy, Hes a physical therapist. Heres the thing- he was never actually arrested. I do have some sealed family court docs, though, That Im about to unseal and learn...Oh, when he was 12, he witnessed his neighboor strangle his wife to death in a sex game gone bad."

"Even though he was only a witness, that momentcreated a single event imprint on his love map and probably started his interest in breath play." Reid says.

"Is his wife interested in BDSM?" Hotch asks.

"Uh, no." Garcia says. "It doesn't look like it. The Murphys have been in and out of couples Therapy for years."

"The therapy rollercoaster may have been due to intermittent periods of frustration then bliss surrounding the murders." Reid comments.

"And his urges increase during periods of non-intimacy." Hotch says.

Kate adds on. "If the unsubs trigger was the birth of his kids, why change in victimology and accelerate the kills now?"

"I think the guilt he's felt has been alleviated by "Bare Reflections" and the intense female interest in it has justified his impulses." Reid says.

"Garcia, we need an address." Hotch says.

"Of course. I've just sent them to you."

JJ, Kate, and Rossi all go to the wife's house.

When the police cars pull up Kate and Morgan hop out of the car and Morgan spots the man coming out of the house. He races off after him. Tackling and then cuffing him. His daughter and her friend, the unsubs victim, are in the ambulance. The wife gets out of a car, driven by JJ and calls for her daughter. Running past her husband and opening her arms that her daughter then jumps into.

The group go on the jet home and when they arrive there are officers from the DOJ waiting at the office. The team watches as Kai grabs her things and heads with them. After putting her gun and badge in the desk given to her. As she leaves Derek notices a small blue notebook on her desk.

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