Chapter 01: The Unknown Girl

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Third Person's POV:

"Breaking News- Kim Minji, a famous soloist of HYBE, was found kissing a girl in 'X' street. However, the identity of the other girl isn't revealed yet. Fans are eagerly waiting for the artist to introduce that girl to them."

"What is this?!!!" Hyein literally shouts her lungs out, as soon as the news catches her eyes! Haerin was sitting next to her, the younger girl's screaming makes her look at that direction. Furrowing eyebrows, she wants to know what happened. Hyein shows her phone to Haerin with shaky hands, which earns the exact reaction from Haerin!

"What the fuck is this?!!! Who the fuck is she?!!!" Haerin screams unknowingly. She snatches the phone away, zooms the picture to see who Minji is kissing!

"Haerin Unnie! Did Minji unnie have any girlfriend?" Hyein can't help but to ask the older girl, in spite of knowing clearly that Minji doesn't have any.

Haerin doesn't reply Hyein anything, as she is also clueless. That picture isn't Photoshop, she can understand those. But Minji is single and has never been in a relationship with someone. Then who is she?


"Jaehyun, call Haerin. And ask her where I should come", Minji orders her manager, not looking at him. She doesn't feel like wanting to talk with someone now. Working on the new album is really stressing her out now-a-days. She leans against the backseat, resting her head on it. But before she can even close her eyes, Jaehyun harshly stops the car, causing her hit the front seat! Along with hearing the sound of someone's falling and breaking something glassy.........

"Aish, what was it?" Minji asks herself, caressing her forehead. She isn't much hurt, she's more surprised than that.

Jaehyun hurriedly goes out, to see whom he was almost going to hit. A girl is trying to get up from lying. Hopefully, she didn't get much hurt. But, the medicines she was carrying, are all broken now.

"What happened, Jaehyun?" Minji asks, not minding to get out. "Why is she wasting our time?"

The girl somehow hears what Minji said. As soon as those words hit her ears, she bursts in anger! Gritting her teeth and clenching her fist, she comes closer to Minji. She shouts at her, "Miss, you have bumped on me and now you are saying I am wasting your time? Are you crazy or what?"

"Here take some money and leave our way", Minji starts becoming annoyed at this point.

"Do you think money can fix everything?!!!" The girl starts screaming more! "I have walked about two kilometers for buying this medicines......."

"Hire a taxi. Those money are more than fucking enough for that. Disgusting", Minji rolls her eyes. This girl is really getting on her nerves now!

"Disgusting?" The girl repeats the phrase. "Listen miss, you are now crossing your limits......."

"Miss, please forgive us. If you don't mind, we can give you a lift", Jaehyun bows to the girl, trying to end the argument between his boss and that unknown girl.

"What?" Minji speaks up. "Jaehyun, we don't have time......"

"No need", the girl stops her. "I don't wanna ride with such arrogant person! Disgusting!"

"What?!!! Hey stop there......."

The girl doesn't give time Minji to finish her sentence, walks away with the money. Minji keeps looking at the way the girl has gone, furrowing her eyebrows. She never has seen girl with such audacity! That girl really ruined her mood more, which was already ruined! "Some bitches never learn to get a life", she whispers, letting her all annoyance out with that little sentence.

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