Chapter 05: Be Nice

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Hanni's POV:

My sleep gets broken, as the sunray hits on my face. I sit down from lying, keep rubbing my eyes till my sleepiness breaks. As my vision becomes clearer, I look here-there. The place seems very unfamiliar to me. Wait, it isn't my room. Where the heck am I?

Then, I remember about the previous night.........

"What did you say to me?" She asks me with an empty tone..........

Though she asked the question to me, she didn't wait for my answer. She walked away, not looking back for once. I hurriedly closed the door. Teardrops were falling nonstop from my eyes, I couldn't let anyone see me in this situation. I just couldn't make myself understand how she could call me prostitute, when I clearly told her that Eunchae was my cousin. I don't know how long I had been crying.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I quickly cleaned my face, opened the door. It was Minji's parents in the door way. Minji was also with them. She was looking away, not facing me. Mrs. Kim came closer to me, patted my back. She told Minji, "Minji, take Hanni with you in your apartment. It is late, she shouldn't go home alone."

Minji just hummed in response, took me with her in the car. In the whole way, we didn't utter a single word. Even after returning to home, she just went to her room and showed me mine. Still not talking with me.

"Hello? Hong Eunchae?" I suddenly hear Minji's voice. Immediately my full focus goes to that direction, if only I can listen more of their conversation. I hear her saying, "I am Kim Minji, Hanni Pham's girlfriend........Good Morning........I actually called you for apologizing.........I shouldn't have behaved that way with you yesterday...... I didn't know you were her cousin..... I just wanted to protect her.......I mean some journalists are so shitty........They could put cheating allegations on Hanni if they saw you two hugging each other.........I am glad that you accepted my apology.........Have a great day......" She ends the call here.

My eyes get widened by their own, I can't believe what I just have heard! I never became more surprised than today. Did Minji just call Eunchae for apologizing? I pinch my skin to check if they hurt or not! Ouch! They do hurt. So I am not dreaming, this is reality! Minji really did that. When did she become that much nice?!!!

I slowly go to the living room. I guess the sound of her talking was coming from here. Hiding behind the half-closed door, I peek on the room. Minji is sitting on a sofa, resting her head on the back of it. Her arm is on her eyes covering them. Maybe she is stressed.

"I know you are there", she suddenly speaks up.

I flinch at her abrupt action, leaves a nervous laughter out. I come out, stand in front of her like a caught thief. But still, not facing her. She removes her arm from the above of her eyes. I gasp silently, seeing the terrible condition of her face! Her face is totally swollen, a visible bruise can be noticed there. The color of it is mixture of red and purple. It's because of my slap. Dark circles are also under her eyes, she didn't get enough sleep yesterday.

"Minji, you didn't put ice on your face?!!!" I literally scold her!

Minji furrows her eyebrows, hearing my scold. She slowly tries to touch her swollen cheek. But quickly takes her hand away from that place, makes a struggling face. I know, they are hurting like hell. That idiot really doesn't know anything!

"Don't touch it, idiot!" I snap at her. I hurriedly open the refrigerator, searching for some ices. I put those on the ice-bag, takes the first-aid box with me. Placing it on Minji's swollen cheek, I try to decrease her pain. She hisses at the touch of ice, but doesn't complain. I apply some ointments there, bandage that area. She keeps quiet the whole time. I think she didn't even notice her face's bad situation. How careless she can be!

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