Chapter 12: Special

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Hanni’s POV:

I am feeling guilty at myself.

After our kinda argument, I and Danielle still haven’t talked with each other properly. It’s because of our busyness. But still, I feel like I have been a bad best friend. We need to meet and sort things out between us. I can’t stand being like this.

I dial her number, only to hear the operator saying Unreachable. It’s the 57th time I have tried to reach her. Being disappointed, I let out a deep sigh.

Danielle has just disappeared. I went to our apartment yesterday. It was wholly empty and extremely messy, as if no one had been there for decades! She didn’t even tell me where she went. I really can’t figure out the reason of her ignoring me.

Leaning against the back of bench, I rest my head on it. The blue sky surrounding with white clouds is only watchable thing now. I wouldn’t have tried to see anything else, if a familiar voice didn’t hit my ears.   

I get up, moving my head left to right, trying to search her. Still, I find none. I walk back and forth, eventually reaching at a darker corner. And my heart skips a beat, my eyes go widened, my jaw falls without even knowing.

I see Yuri pinning Minji against the wall. Their faces are so close, so as their lips. They can have kissed anytime. I notice lust lingering around Minji. Amusement is on her face, she isn’t even trying to get off from her.

Yuri smirks, titles her head. Probably, for kissing Minji.

I step back in sadness, covering my mouth so that no sound can escape my mouth. Feels like everything is going on slow-motion. Feels like witnessing Minji’s betrayal on me. Yuri’s eyes are shut, her lips are approaching Minji’s lips slowly. My vision starts getting blurry. I think I will pass out anytime.

No, I can’t tolerate seeing both of them kissing. I hurriedly run away, hiding my tear...........


Only the sound of my sobbing is echoing through my room now. The upper part of my pillow have wet completely long ago, but my eyes haven’t stopped shedding tears yet. Can someone tell me why it hurts?!!! Why can’t I bear her kissing another girl? I am no one to Minji and vice versa. I just went to her for money. This has been roaming in head since then. But, it is just an excuse for me to hold my tears back. My heart aches irresistibly. It broke me so much that I lost track of time, because of crying hard.

I hear a small knock on my door. Coming back in my senses, I quickly clean my face, go to open the door. And.......I regret it.

“Hey!” Minji waves at me, smiling.

Lump is building in my throat. My eyes has started glittering when I see her. She seems like she doesn’t even care. Is she so happy after kissing Yuri?

I ignore her greetings, looks at her blankly. “What do you want?” I ask her coldly.

“Hey, why are your eyes so fluffy and red?” I can feel concern in her voice. Her hands reaches out my face, she cups it. Her touch feels.......great. I wish she could touch my cheek like this all time.......

But, I quickly pull away. My weakness shouldn’t be shown in front of her.

Minji confuses at my actions. As I try to walk away, she grabs my wrist. She makes me face her, she is damn serious right now. Is she really worried about me or it is just showing off?

“You didn’t answer my question”, she reminds me, tightens her grip around my hand.

“Why do you even care?” I take my hand out, glaring at her angrily.

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