Chapter 07: The Name She Was Murmuring

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Hanni’s POV:

Kim Minji, my fake girlfriend. If I have to say something about her, I will say she is the most mysterious person I have ever seen!

At first, I thought she was one of the most arrogant person in this world. Then, she became not only arrogant but also a dirty-minded bitch. The next morning, sweetness appeared in her behavior out of nowhere. Few days later, she somehow became so nice that she even went to visit my father. Surprising, if I say the least!

She is nice and kind, she just pretends not to be. Maybe being nice hurt her previously. As she said, she has some bad memories. Probably, that’s why she chose to be arrogant.

She gave me a hoodie to wear that day, because it was so cold outside. I have come to return it to her today. She reminded me to wash it before returning, as if I hadn’t known that simple thing! I know she was trying to be mean, but still.

I press the calling bell, waiting for her to open the door.

There is no sound of the bell’s ringing.

“Wait, is it broken or electricity is out?” I say in my mind.

I knock the door rapidly. But still, no answers comes.

“Minji! Open the door! I am Hanni!” I shout much loudly so that Minji can hear me. Again, my try becomes a failure. Minji’s sound doesn’t come through.

I start being worried at this point. It’s not like I care for her, I know.......feel like happening something bad to her.

I text her. The message delivers, but she doesn’t reply. Thus, I decide to call her. Her phone is also ringing, again no response comes from her. 

I walk back and forth many times, but still she doesn’t show up.

Now, I am really getting worried! Why the hell has she disappeared like this?!!!

I can’t help but to twitch the doorknob. Unlocking the door by this is the last thing I ever thought would happen.

And the door opens, stunning me totally! It’s unlocked! Wait a second. Why didn’t Minji lock her door?

I step in slowly. There are many unorganized things in the whole house. It’s totally a mess! Placing those as much as I can, I try to search for Minji.

I circle around to find sign of her, but there’s none.

“Isn’t she in home yet?” I whisper to myself. I start for her room, it’s the last hope for me to search for her.

I hurriedly open the half-closed door, only to figure out Minji who is lying down flat in the floor! 

“Minji!” I leave out a scream, seeing her in this situation!

I bend down next to her, shake her body with my hands. She isn’t sleeping, I can understand this. I place my finger under her nose, trying to check if she’s breathing or not. Thanks God! She’s breathing!

I keep shaking her body, if only I can make her get up. I also keep shouting her name, but she doesn’t open her eyes...........


“Thanks Hanni. If you didn’t go there in time, maybe something could have happened to Minji”, Dr. Kim says to me, writing his prescription for Minji.

I don’t say anything back, I just present a slight smile on my face. Actually, Minji was attacked by her migraine. She has a serious migraine problem, she needs to take her pills regularly. But she wasn’t taking those how she was prescribed. Maybe, it was for being busy at recording her new album.

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