Chapter 08: Ms. Marsh

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Still Haerin's POV:

I stand in front of that locked door tremblingly. Not to mention, I am also sweating hard and uncontrollably gulping. My hands have reached out the calling bell, but I am hesitating to press it. I actually don't know what I am going to encounter. Actually, there's a lot of bad things that can happen. But the biggest one is my guess turning out to be true.

Usually, my hunching power is so good and I always love to rely on it. But this is the first time I hope it not to be correct.

I take a deep breath and press it bravely. Nothing's gonna happen if I keep standing there like a statue.

One minute silence and then comes the sound of someone's footsteps. The door gets opened by the familiar tall and black-haired girl. Her shocking the shit of herself is the most obvious thing I ever thought would see and it really happens.

"Hi, Ms. Marsh", I extends my hand as I give my greetings.

She doesn't seem to notice my extended hand, her eyes are glued on mine. I force myself to bring a smile on lips. It doesn't work out like I thought.

"Hanni.....She isn't at home", she manages to say something.

"Thanks God, you talked this time. I guessed you wouldn't even open your mouth again", I joke, trying to make her free with me. But she doesn't smile. I think she gets more embarrassed than getting amusement!

"Whatever, I have something to say", I directly go to the point.

"Tell me. I will inform to Hanni", she tries to avoid eye-contact with me.

"No, I have to talk with you", I give unusual force on that 'You' word. And boy, within a second her eyes widen more than those already are!

"No, no! I don't wanna be in a relationship! I am not accepting your proposal!" She blurts out of nowhere, leaving me completely stunned!

What?!!! Did she think that I came here to propose her? Seriously?

"What the hell are you saying?" I try to hide my annoyance in my voice. She shouldn't get any more uncomfortable with me. Thus I normally continue, "I just want to talk with you about something."

Ms. Marsh still seems very uncomfortable, she doesn't seem like wanting to talk with me even a little longer. My eyes dart to the apartment, attempting to signal her that she should let me in. But she doesn't understand. A deep sigh escapes from me, seeing her being clueless. I tiredly say, "Will you let me in?"

She comes back in her senses, hurriedly moves from the doorway. I get in and sit in the sofa.

"What do you want to say?" Ms. Marsh asks me as she sits in another sofa.

"Should I introduce myself or you know me?" I can swear she flinches at this question. No answer comes from her. I again sigh, take out that Polaroid. I present it in front of her and that earns a big gasp from her!

She literally snatches that thing away, looks at it with her already widened eyes. I can see her getting afraid all of sudden, her lips are trembling. She slowly turns to me with fear-filled gazes, tries to say me something. But eventually, she fails.

"Ms. Marsh, I will ask you just one thing", I calmly say. "What is Minji Unnie to you?"

She takes her eyes off from mine, instead of answering me. That leaves me in impatience.

"Ms. Marsh, I have asked you something", I remind her. She still keeps silence.

"Do you want me to ask Minji Unnie about you?" I raise my voice at her purposely. I can see her flinching for the second time, but she doesn't mind to answer me.

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