Chapter 03: Rejection or Something Else

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(Readers, I made a mistake in chapter two. Danielle wasn't supposed to see Haerin, she should only know Hyein. Thus, I update that chapter. If you want, you can go and read the updated chapter. Please excuse me for my mistake. And enjoy the story!)

Third Person's POV:

"What?" Minji questions to Hanni, hearing the most unexpected answer.............

"What are you saying?" Haerin questions to Hanni. She still doesn't get the reason of Hanni's rejecting such fabulous offer.

"You both have clearly heard what I said", coldness in Hanni's voice stab them like a sharp knife. They never knew a person having cute face like her could be that much cold! Hanni doesn't seem to notice such reactions of them, she continues talking. "I would never make a deal with such arrogant person. Please excuse me."

Hanni stands up, bowing to them. Picking her bag up, she starts leaving the spot. Two cousins don't move a single inch, but still have their eyes on Hanni. As if those are glued on her, they keep seeing her leaving them in total disaster! Now that Hanni rejected their offer, they seriously don't know what they are going to do afterwards........

Suddenly, Minji comes back in her senses. Something gets into her, she stands up from sitting. Chasing the almost vanished silhouette of Hanni, she gets closer to her. She grabs her wrist to make her stop, blocking her way.

Hanni is surprised, witnessing such unexpected incident. She looks at her wrist once, which is in Minji's grip now. Then keeps her eyes on Minji's eyes, wanting an explanation. Minji is still panting, takes a deep breath before talking. "Ms. Pham, I want you to think about it twice", she desperately pleads to Hanni.

Desperation in Minji's voice makes Hanni surprised, but she doesn't let Minji to see that. With the same emotionless face, she replies to her, "Ms. Kim, I have given my answer. And I am not gonna change it for anyone or anything."

"But why did you refuse such an awesome offer?" Haerin joins them. She can't just sit there and see the drama.

"Ms. Kang, you may not know, but Ms. Kim is an arrogant person", Hanni tries to make her understand. "She bumped on me and said that I was wasting her time! Can you believe this?"

"But that was past for God's sake!" Impatience increases in Haerin's voice. She knows nothing other than agreeing Hanni in their deal. She desperately promises, "I will make sure not to happen such unwanted incident again!"

"Sorry to down you, Ms. Kang", Hanni gives both of them the same answer. "But I will still say it's a no. Please don't bother me again."
Hanni leaves the spot, leaving the two cousins froze there.......


"Aish! Why did I have to meet with her again?" Hanni whispers to herself, pressing the button of fifth floor in the elevator. "It was really a horrible experience! But I still don't get one thing. Why would I find kissing that girl? I don't even know her."

She grabs her chin by her right hand, thinking about that question. That's her habit while thinking something. A lots of thought start roaming in her head, but none of them is actually reasonable. She finally gives in, when the elevator stops at the fifth floor.
She presses the calling bell, waiting for Danielle to open the door.

Suddenly, the sound of someone's running hurriedly can be heard. Hanni becomes confused. Why would Danielle start running like that after knowing that Hanni has returned? "Maybe she's scared of her imaginary stuffs again", Hanni chuckles at her own thought.

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