Chapter 09: The Fiancé

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Danielle’s POV:

After saying everything to Haerin, I am feeling very light. I am feeling somewhat happy to explain myself finally to someone. I can make myself understand that there is at least one person who knows why I did that. There is at least one person who doesn’t think I did that intentionally. It is more than enough for me.

*Krink Krink*

My eyes automatically goes to the possible destination of following sound.

Someone has come. Is it Hanni? But she told she wouldn’t come back today.

I hurriedly go to open the door. And......... I regret it.

“Jung..... Jungwon?” I whisper to myself without even knowing.

“It is very nice to hear my name from you after all these months”, he smiles as he finishes his sentence.

Yang Jungwon, a famous song composer. Oh I forgot to add, my fiancé. The guy whom I forced to kiss in front of Minji. The guy who forced me to break the girl’s heart whom I loved the most.

My family arranged my marriage with him, not even minding to ask for my opinion. He always tries to show that how deeply he loves me, but I know he’s just after my body and my family’s wealth. I can tell how lustily he stares at me. And it makes me want to throw up.

He comes in, kneels down in front of me. He takes one of my hands, places a kiss on it. “You are so beautiful, my wife-to-be”, he tries to do his filthy flirting with me.  

If I could, I would have punched him with that hand.

He wraps his hand around my waist sneakily, whispers in my ear with seductive tone, “Are you still mad at me?

I don’t say anything back to him, reminding about that night.

The night when one of the most traumatic incidents of my life happened........


Third Person’s POV:

Danielle was broken. Actually ‘Broken’ wouldn’t be enough for explaining her situation. Her whole world just turned black, she couldn’t find any reason to live.

The thing she feared the most in this world is her own parents. They were infamous criminals. They made huge money doing their jobs, then left that world. They started living like a normal family. But obviously, they couldn’t. Because the blood of those corpses killed by them was still fresh in their hands. Simply, they were still crime-minded, in spite of swearing not to do such things again. When such people threated Danielle to kill Minji if she didn’t agree on her marriage with Jungwon, she didn’t even dare to talk back. Because she knew what they could do if things didn’t go in their ways.

She was forced to bring Minji in that park where her and Jungwon’s so called date was settled. When Minji arrived, she suddenly kissed Jungwon. Of course, that was also a part of the Marsh’s plan. 

She saw how Minji’s facial expression changed in a matter of second, with her own eyes. She had to witness how Minji started acting like a crazy person. She dragged panicking Minji in a corner and told her the biggest lie ever. She didn’t love her anymore.

Minji begged and begged. She pleaded Danielle just to tell her why she was leaving her like that. But Danielle had no options other than ignoring her and shedding tears. She left her alone there, feeling like the guiltiest person ever.

Even after returning to home, she just kept on wetting her pillows. She couldn’t even cry loudly. Because Jungwon was there and he must not know about them.

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