Chapter 06: Why?

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Haerin’s POV:

Even after coming back from Hanni Unnie’s apartment, I can’t stop thinking about her best friend. Not because of her weird behaviors, it’s because I think I saw her before. I know, I am not supposed to see her. But still, I honestly think I did.

“Hyein, do you know Hanni Unnie’s best friend’s name?” I ask Hyein. Maybe knowing her name will help me to find her identity.

“Her name?” Hyein replies as she stops the car, due to the red signal. She looks at me making a questioning face, asks me back, “But why do you need it?”

“Just tell me if you know”, I ignore her question indirectly. She doesn’t answer me anything immediately this time, starts thinking if she knows or not. After some moments, she moves her head left to right. “No, I don’t”, she answers.

I let out a deep sigh. I can’t do anything without it. I at least need her name.

Hyein suddenly begin hitting my arm with her elbow, having a teasing smile on her face. “What’s wrong?” I ask her out of confusion.

“Are you hitting on her?” She asks me teasingly. “I don’t blame you though. She’s really pretty! Should I manage her number for you?”

“Hyein, stop being delusional and come back into reality”, I roll my eyes as I reply her back. She still keeps smiling like an idiot, even though she knows it was my honest thought! I just can’t with this kiddo.              

However, I have to know who that girl was. I don’t know why I have to, I just know I have to. By hook or by crook!

Hanni’s POV:

“Hanni, don’t tell me you are dealing with idol Kim Minji!” Danielle literally shouts at me, making me more confused than ever.........

“What are you saying, Dani?” I become clueless to hear her sudden shouting.

Danielle’s whole face is red, her eyes are blood-shot. Those were glittering till then, but now tears are streaming down her face. She is trembling like a person having hysteria. Lips are bitten by her strongly, she is trying to resist her crying with that.

I shock to see her changed self. She is a completely new Danielle, whom I never saw or discovered. She was never like that! She was always cheerful and bubbly..........

“Dani”, I try to get closer to her. “Please tell me what happened.”

Danielle immediately steps back to see me getting closer to her. She raises her both of her hands, signaling me to stop. “Please Hanni, answer me!” She answers.  

“Yes, it’s her”, I choose to tell her the truth. Why would I lie to her? It’s not like I am doing a crime or something.

Danielle doesn’t say anything back, whispers something to herself. I somehow become afraid to see her acting so abnormal, step forward to hold her. But, she doesn’t give me that chance. Aiming for her room, she suddenly starts rushing.

I also run after her, attempting to catch her. But she reaches there first, closes the door harshly. I shutter at my place, looking at the closed door. I can hear the sound of her sobbing, what’s wrong with her? What did she see in Haerin that is making her react like this?

I knock on the door slightly, calls her out with loud enough voice, “Danielle!”

No response comes. I didn’t expect to come though.

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