Chapter 04: Unreasonable

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Hanni’s POV:

It’s been one week since I agreed on the deal. HYBE has already confirmed about Minji’s dating rumor, saying that she is in a relationship with me. But still, Minji herself has to reveal it in a press conference, taking me there with her. Thus Haerin and Hyein are giving me training, so that the plan doesn’t get bombarded in front of those journalists! We also started calling each other by their names, as it is helping us be comfortable and get to know about each other.

Minji took me to her parents. They didn’t know about our plan, they thought we were really couple. However, they seemed very sweet and kind, not cold like her. They treated me like their own daughter.

They also told me something very shocking, which has been playing in my head since that day....


“Hanni, I want you to marry Minji, as soon as possible”, Mrs. Kim abruptly said out of nowhere, making me totally shocked.

They took me in this room, but didn’t bring Minji with them. I didn’t mind though, maybe they wanted to talk with me alone. We had been sitting there for almost fifteen minutes, not uttering a single word. It was Mrs. Kim who suddenly broke the silence, saying something like that.  

I was completely stunned, hearing such statement from her all of sudden. She held my hands, said to me with determined voice, “You know Hanni, Minji never had time for herself. All she did is achieving her dreams and making her parents proud. We want her to enjoy her life. Thus, I am saying you to marry her. You won’t mind, right?”

I gulped. Mrs. Kim was still holding my hands. She was looking at me with much determination, as if many things were depending on my answer. But, how could I lie about such thing which would never happen? I suddenly started sweating, not escaping from Mrs. Kim’s intense gazes......

“I won't, Mom”, I replied with my shaky voice...........

End of Flashback........      

The crowd makes me return in reality from my imagination. They are complimenting us in every possible ways. Us means me and Minji. Her parents have thrown a party to celebrate our relationship. I and Minji told them not to, but they didn’t really pay any heed to us. I hurriedly shake my head to fix myself. I can’t believe I zoned out in front of hundred people!
“You okay?” Minji asks me. I turn at my left. I didn’t notice she was standing next to me. I nod, letting her know that nothing happened to me.

Suddenly, she starts bringing her mouth closer to me. I immediately flinch at her abrupt action! I can feel my cheek getting hot and red, simply I am blushing! I quickly increase our distance, getting way from her. She becomes clueless, makes a questioning face lifting her eyebrows. I somehow manages to say while stuttering, “What......What are you doing?!!!”

“I just wanted to whisper something to you”, she innocently replies.

Shit! What a fool I am! How could I think of something else?!!! We aren’t definitely in that kind of relationship! It is just a contract and a media play. Nothing more than that, nothing less. “I will use the restroom. Please excuse me!” I leave the spot, to make myself normal!

I begin to run for reaching at the certain destination as soon as possible. I am wearing a gown. It is very beautiful and not to mention, hella expensive! Minji’s parents had handpicked it for me. But the problem is, it is very hard to walk wearing this!

Finally, I arrive there. I slam the door of restroom open, panting continuously. Closing it immediately, I start taking deep breathes. Something or someone makes some sounds all of sudden, making me look in the front. My eyes widen, only to figure out her........

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