Chapter 10: A New Person

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Third Person's POV:

"So Hanni, when do you want your and Minji's marriage date to be settled?"

Hanni wasn't quite sure about the Kim parent's not asking her something weird, when they suddenly called her to meet them. Still, she immediately startles, as soon as Mrs. Kim asks her the question out of nowhere.

"Ne?" Hanni says back, looks at them with confused face.

"Hanni, you are in the final year, right? So, do you want your marriage date to be settled after your graduation?" Mrs. Kim makes things clearer for Hanni.

Hanni doesn't even surprise to witness the Kim Parent's impatience about their marriage. Being uninterested in love-life (At least in their eyes), Minji always has worried them. Now that Hanni appeared, they can't keep their eager to get them engaged as soon as possible!

But, Hanni feels guilty to lie to them. Her heart refuses to give them false hopes, as they are so kind. But at the same time, she doesn't want them to know that it is a contract and it will last for only four months. After this, she doesn't know if she can see Minji again or not. And this fact makes her feel kinda sad............

"Mom, I don't know yet. I just haven't thought about it now", Hanni replies, avoiding the question as much as she can.

Disappointment builds in Mrs. Kim's face. But she hides it in a matter of second. Keeping her usual smile on face, she tussles her supposedly daughter-in-law's hair. "Don't worry, honey. Don't force yourself. We are always happy with your decisions", she says with her kind voice.

Hanni quickly smiles as Mrs. Kim didn't mind with her answer. They are such angels. She doesn't know what she did to be so lucky that she met with them.

"Hanni, you should go to Minji's room. That girl doesn't talk with anyone or go out from that damn room since she came here. You should talk with her", Mrs. Kim worriedly says, staring at the upstairs. She really cares about her only daughter.

Hanni chuckles a little, nods at her. She climbs the stairs, destining for her girlfriend's room. Reaching there, she slightly knocks on the door. But, no response comes.

She waits for Minji to open, but she doesn't come out even after two minutes. Being impatient, Hanni knocks again, this time bit harshly.

Still, no voice appears.

She can't help but to twitch the doorknob, only to find out the empty room.

She frowns a little. She really expected to talk with Minji now and see what happened. Minji isn't at home.

Hanni walks in. Minji's room is really tidied up, showing her as an organized person. Her room is filled with a lots of silly things. Those means world to Minji, has many memories of her. Hanni automatically smiles at this simple sight. She never knew this side of Minji. She always has seen her as a serious person.

Hanni goes closer to Minji's desk. It is full of things. She wanders her hand around, still having that smile on face.

Suddenly the sound of something's falling catches her attention, forcing to turn head.

"Shit!" She unknowingly curses, seeing a picture frame on the ground, with glass shattered everywhere. She hurriedly bends down to pick up the broken pieces of glasses.

"What am I gonna answer to Minji?" She mutters as she carefully takes the picture under the frame. She scans it. Luckily, there isn't any scratches on the picture. She continues to clean the place surrounded with glasses. All of sudden, she hears the door opening, freezing her heart for some seconds.

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