Chapter 13: You Are The Reason

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Minji's POV:

With performing at Mnet, the promotion of my latest album ends. I am glad to have eleven music show wins. The dating news doesn't seem to cause negativity. I am still popular as I was.

Removing my makeup and changing my stage outfit, I tiredly sit down on the couch. I can't leave the waiting room yet. Jaehyun told that I have to take a picture with my backup dancers. To kill time, I scroll through Instragram. My fans always succeed to bring smile on face. Not to mention, they make good edits of me!

My phone rings. The caller id shows it is Hyein. I pick up the call and say, "Hello, Hyein!"

"Minji Unnie! Where are you?" Hyein's serious tone surprises me.

Worriedly, I reply, "At waiting room. Why?"

"Come soon at 'X' hospital! Hanni Unnie's father's condition is critical!" She literally screams!

"What?!!!" I say her back with another screaming, question, "Wait, how did this happen?"

"Unnie, we don't have time to answer this. Come soon!" Hyein hangs up the call, leaving me dumbfounded.

I take some moments to process the situation. Determined, I then come back in my senses. Standing up, I prepare to leave. I don't fucking care about anything anymore. Slamming the door behind, I storm off, aiming for 'X' hospital.

As I hurry my pace, my footsteps stomps on the floor loudly. Everyone is looking at me curiously. They never saw any artist exiting the waiting room like this. Maybe I am setting a record for that, whatever. Ignoring their unwanted attention, I reach at the front gate.

Then I see Jaehyun rushing towards me. He is waving his hand, signaling me to stop. I obey. He catches me eventually, hands on his knees for supporting.

"Ms. Kim, what are you doing?!!!" He raises his voice unintentionally, still panting for running hard. "I told you to stay!"

"Jaehyun, my girlfriend is in trouble", I don't even hesitate to address Hanni as my girlfriend casually. What's gotten me recently? Anyways, I continue, "I can't stay here anymore."

"But, you will be called rude if you leave like this", Jaehyun pleadingly says.

Rude? No, I can't stay here a single moment. I have to go. Moreover, I am tired to worry about my career always! At least, this time, I should choose my heart over my head.

I still walk away, not paying any heed to Jaehyun.......


As I reach at hospital, I hear crying in air. Concerned, I follow the sound's direction, eventually approaching crying Hanni and worried Hyein. The youngest notices me earlier, she comes running. With eyes, she points at Hanni to me. I understand her untold words. Taking a seat beside Hanni, I pat her back. Feeling my touch, she turns around. I represent an ensuring smile, as it usually calm her down. Instead, she tugs on my shirt, buries her face on my chest, tears streaming down her face........

Taken aback at first, but slowly I fix myself. I hold her tightly, so that she can find a safe place to let her sadness out. "Minji, what will happen to my dad now?!!! Will he survive?" She bawls as she nuzzles her face against me.

"Sshhh..... Don't think like that. Everything will be okay", I stroke her hair affectionately for a better response. Maybe for my embrace or my assurance, she stops tearing up a bit, but still sobbing. I wrap my arms around her tighter, not willing to let her go.

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