Chapter 11: I Don't Know Why

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Hanni’s POV:

“Kim Minji!” I call her out. “Would you stop now?!!!”

“Give me one more chance, Hanni! I am sure I can get one at least this time!” Minji replies, not looking at me. Her whole attention is on that Bunny plushy behind the glass.

If you are wondering about what I am talking about, Minji is attempting to get that plushy from claw machine. It’s been about thirty minutes now, still the most wanted thing hasn’t come in her hands. I don’t know when it will!

“Minji, buy another one from a store”, I keep insisting her. She doesn’t pay any heed to me, as if she promised herself to achieve that today! How can she be this much stubborn?!!!

“Oh, oh!” Her sudden scream makes me shift my gazes towards her. The claw has caught it and Minji is trying her best to reach it to the hole. I become excited abruptly! Will she get it this time?    

“Yeah!” Minji exclaims in victory, finally succeeding to earn that plushy! She picks it up, looks at it like a real winner. She’s such a kid, isn’t she?

Smiling a bit, I clap for her. The sound of my applauding makes her turn around. A smile also forms at corners of her lips, she puts that thing on my head. I become somewhat puzzled, looks up. She is looking down, because of our height difference. She hasn’t stopped grinning yet.

“What......What is it?” I literally stutter in my way!

“Take it, my cute bunny”, she softly offers me the plushy.

My Cute Bunny?!!! What the hell is she saying?!!!

“What....does it mean?” I can’t resist myself from stuttering again. I don’t know what was in that little phrase which has made me blush this much! 

“Don’t you look like a cute bunny, Hanni?” Minji playfully pinches my cheek. “That’s why a bunny plushy for you.”

“I........I.........” I can’t finish my sentence, as someone interrupts me in the midway.

“That’s cute”, a familiar but the most unexpected voice echoes through the arcade, forcing both of us turn around.

“Yuri?” Minji says with furrowed eyebrows, maybe feeling annoyed with her unreasonable presence. And me here, burning just by looking at her f...... Never mind!

Yuri comes closer to us, but her eyes are only on me. I can feel her giving me death glares through her fake smile. And it rages me more than I already am!

I tug on Minji’s shirt, literally hugging her. I also hurriedly grab her bunny plushy and embrace it adoringly. Minji seems taken aback for my actions, but I don’t care. This girl has a huge crush on Minji, I understood it long ago. That’s why, I am protecting Minji. She should learn about her boundaries. Minji is taken.......... I mean, it can be fake .........But still, she has a girlfriend for God’s sake!

Yuri frowns immediately. If eyes could kill, hers would have me now. “Looks like you guys are having fun”, she forcibly smiles.

“Yes. Do you need something?” I say her back before Minji could even open her mouth.

“Need something?” She repeats the phrase. Her eyes scan Minji bottom to up, signaling that ’Something’ is Minji. I tug on Minji more, actually becoming a clingy koala to her! Minji can’t keep her balance, wrap her hands around my waist. And that makes me feel.......Assured........ Okay, forget it!

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