Episode 1 Part 1

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(The planet Earth... over a million different species live on this beautiful blue planet. However, of those species, 15,000 of them are in grave danger of extinction. Now is the time for us to stand up and fight.)

The sun shone bright on the high school below it, bustling with new and returning students. Boys talking and girls giggling filled the air. Walking through the schoolyard was one new high schooler, who was quickly catching everyone's attention.

Her long white hair glistened in the sunlight as it swayed to her steps. Pale, fair skin colored with a slight rose on her cheeks from the growing attention. Bright blue eyes, which were dusted with rare specks of lighter blue and pinkish purple focused on the front.

"I'm in high school now. I'm in high school now..." Her inner voice kept whispering. Excitement and nerves flew through the heart of Amai Yukimura.

"Amai-chan!" She turned around and smiled at the speed-walking figure of her best friend, Ichigo Momomiya, who was also starting high school this year.

Amai and Ichigo had been friends since they were five years old. Almost like sisters, some would say upon seeing them together. They both were very bright and cheery, wore ribbons in their hair, and made everyone else smile. Their mothers would often say they looked like strawberries and sugar, because of Amai's white hair and Ichigo's red hair.

Stopping at Amai's side, Ichigo laced their fingers. "You're not going to believe what just happened!" Her face glowed with happiness. Amai knew that look, it always meant something happened that was magically wonderful.


"I think I fell in love with someone!"

Amai gasped and squealed, Ichigo following. Ever since they became teenagers, the girls had always talked about falling in love and finding their Prince Charmings.

"Oh my gosh!" Amai said, jumping a bit. "Details, spill!"

Ichigo clasped her hands together. "His name is Aoyama-kun. He's on the kendo team and he's SO cute!" She bounced before continuing. "I talked to Moe and Miwa about him, and they said he really loves the environment and animals."

"That's so sweet." Amai commented, pulling Ichigo into a walk. "So, are you gonna go talk to him?"

Ichigo sighed. "I want to, but first I want to find something to do with him. Like, maybe the zoo or something with animals, I think it can strike up a good conversation."

Nodding her head, Amai said; "There's a lot of things like that you could invite him to. You'll be fine, Ichigo."

"Excuse me."

The girls stopped walking and spun around, facing a girl around their age with short blue hair.

"Who are you?" Ichigo asked her. The girl just smiled.

"I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. Here, take these."

The girl held out three tickets in her hand, giving two to Ichigo and one to Amai.

"I'm sure if you give him these, he'll definitely go out with you." She told Ichigo. Turning to Amai, she added; "I think you'd enjoy this, too."

Amai and Ichigo looked down at the tickets. They were for an endangered species exhibit the next day. They smiled.

"I bet there will be lots of cute animals!" Ichigo said. Amai nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, this is perfect, Ichigo." Amai moved her head up, about to thank the mysterious girl, only to see she wasn't there. "Huh?"

"That's weird." Observed Ichigo. "She was right there."

Both stood still for a second before shrugging it off. Then they split up, Ichigo running off to find Ayaoma and Amai going to the main quad to draw. When she reached it, she sat down on a bench, took out her art book and began to fill in more pages with pencil sketches.

"In love, huh? Must be wonderful." Amai was thinking as her hand moved over the paper. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little jealous of her best friend. Not even a full week in high school, and the cherry haired girl seemed to have found her prince. Dreaming of her finding her own was something that Amai could only do right now, especially considering the one thing she was hiding.

You see, Amai had a secret. A secret that no one else knew about, not even Ichigo. It was about her family, and it was well kept between herself and her parents. (But more of that later)

The day went by, and Amai went to bed excited for the coming day at the exhibition, unaware of the events that would change her life forever.

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