Episode 6 Part 1

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At nightfall, the Mew team were all standing outside the TV studio where Zakuro was currently at. Pudding clenched her hands. "Okay! Let's go keep Zakuro safe from Kisshu!" "And when she's safe, let's ask her one more time to join our team!" Retasu said. "Okay, let's go!"

They started to walk to the door, but Amai turned back when she noticed Mint wasn't following them. "Mint, you coming?" After a second, the bluenette joined them.

Hiding behind a statue, the girls observed the security guard in their way. "How do we get inside?" Amai thought of something. "I know, we could be extras for Zakuro's video. That'll get us inside." Ichigo snapped her fingers. "That's genius, Amai-chan. But how are we going to get costumes?" "There has to be a place where the costumes are, so we find and change into them."


After they found out where outfits for the video were, the girls snuck some out and changed. The plan worked and they were allowed inside the building. A guy working on the set guided them to a wait area, where they stood after he told them he'd call for them later.

"What are you doing here?" On a couch a couple feet away, Zakuro glanced over at them, putting down her copy of the video script. "Zakuro?!" "What do you want?" Amai heard Mint suck in a tense breath, and she chose her words carefully. "I know you said you don't like working with a team. But you need to understand that Kisshu is coming after you. You're in danger."

The older girl wasn't very fazed by that. "And you want me to team up with you to fight him?" A chorus of yes's followed. Zakuro's face twisted in annoyance, but before she could say something else, Mint spoke up. "No, forget it!"

Everyone was startled by her outburst. Walking forward, she face Zakuro determinedly. "Let us hand the Mew Mew business!"

"Mint?!" "Why'd you change your mind?!"

Mint and Zakuro stared at each other hard. Without a word, the idol left, the group staring after her. Amai turned to Mint. "Mint, what was that all about?"

"Yeah! I thought you were super happy when you found out she was a Mew Mew!" Mint remained silent. Amai's eyes softened pitifully. "Mint..."

"We don't have time for idle chit-chat!" Mint spun around, hands clenched at her sides. "If we don't get into the same studio as Queen Zakuro, Kisshu may beat us to the punch! Let's split up and look for a way in!"

"You're right!" The girls became determined. Splitting up, they took different sections of the floor they were on. After a few minutes, Amai stopped by a window and called Ryou, letting him know of the current happenings.

"I see. So that's what Mint said to Zakuro Fujiwara?" "Yeah, and I don't know why she said it..." Ryou sighed through the phone. "In any case, you should locate Kisshu before he makes contact with Zakuro. We're counting on you." The call ended.

Amai turned to look out the window, her mind drowning in worry. What if they couldn't convince Zakuro? What if Kisshu got to her first? No, she couldn't think like that. She had to keep hope.

"He's right. Focus on what we CAN do right now, that's what matters. Come on, Masha!" "Roger that!"

The two ran off, heading down a couple hallways. No luck, so far. "I can't find her anywhere! She's got to be here!" She was starting to get stressed. To calm herself, she began softly singing the song from the audition.

Skies crystal clear

Beauty every year

Grass the brightest green

Waters healthy and clean

Where plants grow far and wide

And people smile all the time...

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