Episode 3 Part 2

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Amai was speechless. Her very first kiss was stolen by her enemy. Her enemy, who to her, was actually very cute and handsome. A blush painted her cheeks. "Why did he... my heart's banging so hard."

Her head was swimming, her heart was pounding. It didn't help that Pudding was cheering about how she'd never witnessed a real kiss before in the background.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Kisshu asked before he perked up. "Or was my kiss that good?" Amai gasped when his finger pressed against her lips. "Want another?"

She sputtered. "I..." Shaking her head, the flustered Mew took a few steps back. "W-wait!" Kisshu jumped up onto the pillar he was on before. "You're embarrassed? Boy, you are fun." "Stop teasing me!" Grinning, he held up a hand. "I wonder how you'll look when I make you cry or angry?" From the palms of his hands, balls of light appeared and became little jelly-like creatures. Amai recognized them from her first fight. "Aliens?!"

"I'm done with my introduction. Now, it's time for the show!" The jellies spread out and turned multiple animals into Chimeras. Amai was stunned, Pudding held onto her arm in excitement and wonder. As they became surrounded by a giant lion, giraffe, and elephant, the younger girl got scooped up into the elephant's trunk. "Pudding!" The younger was more happy than afraid. "Whee! This is more intense than an amusement park ride!"

"Oh, no!" Amai wanted to transform but was afraid of another secret being discovered by Pudding. Kisshu watched her from his place on the pillar. "She's just standing there." He jumped down, kicking his leg and making her trip onto her stomach. She groaned when she hit the ground. Kisshu walked around her. "What a disappointment." Crouching, he held her chin as she started to sit up. "Here I'd thought I'd found a cute little toy to play with. But you're boring me." With his other hand, he raised s small, sharp dagger. "So it's time for you to die."

Amai felt tears grow, yet she refused to let them fall. Her gaze narrowed to mask her fear. "Look at you. You're not that much fun." He moved the dagger closer to her face. She squeezed her eyes shut. "No, this can't be how I die!"

"Ribbon Mint Echo!"

Kisshu jumped out of the way before the arrow hit him. Amai looked up and was relieved to see Ichigo, Retasu and Mint jump in front of her. "Are you okay, Amai-san?!" Retasu asked, keeping her gaze on the Chimera Animals. Mint gripped her weapon. "You really got into trouble this time, haven't you?" "You're not hurt, Amai-chan?" Ichigo worried. Amai smiled. "Guys!"

Her face fell a little confused. "Wait, Ichigo was already here, but what are you two doing here?" Masha floated up to her. "Shirogane sent them!" "He did?" Mint looked at her. "Not important right now! Transform!"

Amai did, and the four Mews gathered together.

"The four of us..." Retasu started. "...with gratitude and grace..." Mint continued. "...together..." Ichigo added. "...will serve out justice!" Amai finished, the four of them posing.

From her upside-down position in the elephant's trunk, Pudding sparkled again. "Y-you're so cool!" Kisshu was also impressed. "Huh. Now things are getting more interesting."

The Mews all attacked. Every hit turned animals back to normal. When Amai hit the elephant, Pudding flew up into the air. Amai caught her in the nick of time. "There's no end to them!" Retasu said, backing up. Amai kicked back Chimeras that came close to her and Pudding, yet more kept coming. Mint shot another arrow then addressed Pudding. "We need your help, Pudding Huang!"

Amai and Pudding turned, confused. Though it didn't last as a Chimera came at then, Amai pushing Pudding out of the way before taking the blow. Kisshu was surprised by her action. "She saved that girl. And I'd heard that humans were selfish creatures."

Amai pushed herself onto her knees. A shadow over her made her look up, horrified when a giant foot slowly started to come down on her. "Amai-chan!" "Amai!" She was stuck where she was, unable to move.

Pudding's eyes watered with fear. "You can't... you can't!" A bright glow formed around her, and in seconds, she became a Mew Mew. Her foot kicked the Chimera back several feet away from Amai.

"I did it! I got ears and a tail, too!" She jumped up and down in joy. Retasu smiled. "Mew Pudding! Her powers activated!" "It certainly took her long enough!" Mint commented. Amai was amazed. "You're the fifth Mew Mew?" "No idea, but I think I get it!"

Pudding grinned. "Let Pudding handle all this!" Her weapon, a pair of rings with a bell on them, shot out and surrounded the Chimera's, then trapping them in a giant jell pudding. Amai took that as her cue. "Let me serve you with some justice!" Raising up her wand, she pointed it at the monsters. "Ribbon Sweet Shine!" The light exploded on the ring of pudding, instantly turning every animal back. Masha collected every jelly.

Tired from the fight, Amai sighed. "Nice work." She spun at Kisshu's voice. "Turns out you are pretty fun." "Get down here!" Amai called up to him, blushing a bit. He stood, crossing his arms. "C'mon, there's no need to rush. Don't go boring me now, okay?" He winked, bringing a finger to his mouth. "You're my fun little toy, after all."

Amai gasped, thinking about the kiss. The blush on her face grew darker.

"I'll see you soon, honey." He blew her a kiss then teleported away. Amai stared at the spot where he was just at, Mew form fading, her mind full of thought. "He can create Chimera Animals, and he also... what am I going to tell Mom and Dad?"

"Who was that?" Mint asked with a hand on her hip. Pudding sprung up. "He kissed her!" "He what?!" Ichigo shouted, staring hard at Amai, eyes burning for answers. Amai panicked, so not ready to discuss that matter right now. Mint shrugged. "Not sure what she's talking about, but you can tell us more at the café."

"Momomiya-san, where are you?!" The group heard Aoyama's voice calling for Ichigo, the boy in question a couple dozen feet away. Amai gave her best friend a light push. "You should go to him, Ichigo. He's worried." Ichigo was thinking the same thing. "Aoyama-kun's worried about me..."

"You stay; we'll head back to the café." Mint told her. Retasu beamed. "You should finish you date with your boyfriend." Pudding ran up to the redhead, wanting to give her some kind of family medicine to slip him, which she of course declined hastily, making Amai laugh.

After everyone split up, Amai ran home, thinking how to explain the recent events to her parents. Her heart was beating fast, both from her speedy breaths and thinking about Kisshu. She had no idea how her father was going to react; one of his people stealing her first kiss and flirting with her.

"I'm home." She said, walking through the door. Hana and Keita were sitting in the living room reading. They looked up at their daughter's arrival. "How was the zoo, Amai?" Hana asked her.

She didn't answer, looking down at the floor. "Amai?" Closing their books, her parents shifted on the couch to face her better. "Did something happen?"

Amai took a very deep breath. "I met the enemy today."

At once, her parents were on their feet. "Amai." Keita took his daughter's shoulders. She looked up at him. "He's... he..." "What?" "He kissed me."

There was a pause. Amai couldn't decipher the looks in her parents' eyes when she told them that fact. Keita and Hana looked at each other, then guided her to a chair. "Tell us everything."

It took almost ten minutes to explain the day to them. They were happy that the Mews had found their next member, and of course worried that the enemy finally made actual contact. Amai wanted to tell them about her mixed feelings about the alien boy but kept it quiet for now. After comforts and hugs, Amai was sitting on her windowsill, staring up into the sky. She could still feel Kisshu's lips on her own, and the sensation... it was good. It was good, and warm, and sweet, and...

"Oh." Her head fell into her hands, fingers rubbing her temple. "Why did he have to be so..." The kiss, the wink, the playful tone of his voice, everything about him caused her to giggle, then slap herself.

"This is not going to get any easier."

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