Episode 9 Part 1

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Ryou dropped a small piece of what looked like a blue crystal into a vial of dirty water. The water instantly purified when the crystal glowed brightly. "This is Mew Aqua." He told the girls. "Mew Aqua?"

"Remember how the ocean was purified in a split second when we were attacked at sea?" Keiichiro said, bringing up the memory of the previous fight. "We investigated the area and found this there. It's our key to the alien's defeat." Ryou said.

Keiichiro then explained the artifact. "Mew Aqua is an extremely pure form of water, and it has the ability to purify pollutants from water or the atmosphere."

"So, if we have this..." Mint said, trailing off. Ryou nodded. "That's right, we can counter anything the aliens might throw at us! Tokyo Mew Mew, your mission is to find more Mew Aqua!" "How?" Zakuro asked.

A map appeared on the screen. "Using our current sample, we were able to determine where we can find more." Said Keiichiro. "We'll need your help to be able to zero in on the locations even further."

"Retasu, you sensed something on the boat, right?" Ryou asked the green-haired girl, who confirmed it. "So the rest of you should be able to sense Mew Aqua, too. We're counting on you!"


Amai stared at the Mew Aqua. She was getting the same feeling as before, yet she chose not to bring it up to the team. While Retasu might've also felt it, Amai didn't think what the other girl felt was the same as what she felt. It was like a call, reaching out to her.

That's another secret added to her list of secrets.

That night, Amai sat on her window nook, dressed in a soft nightgown and a book in her lap. Masha floated above her. "Hey, Masha? Our Mew Mew work is going to be more busy, isn't it?" "It looks like it!"

Amai clutched her book. "And my life gets even more complicated." She sighed. "I feel like I'm in a fairytale with unlimited challenges, quests, obstacles, and ending possibilities, happy ever afters and unhappy ever afters." Getting up, she fell onto her bed, dropping the book onto her side table. Her eyes closed. "Where's this story taking me?"


"Match over!"

Amai watched Ichigo jump up and down, trying to see Aoyama from their spot in the back of the crowd of girls. Giving up, Ichigo sighed dejected. "Aoyama-kun's so far away..."

Miwa hugged her arm in comfort. "He IS the most popular guy in school." "So how're things going with you two?" Miwa asked, nudging Ichigo. "I dunno..."

Her response made Moe freak, the brunette whipping out her notebook and jotting down notes. "Does that mean things are rocky?!" "Well, no, but..."

"She just hasn't had much time with him lately." Amai stepped in, helping Ichigo out. "So I think she's struggling with finding that time. Right, Ichigo?" Ichigo nodded. "Yeah."

Then, Ichigo jumped. "Wait, we've gotta go!" Miwa looked up from her book. "Time for work?" "Yep! See you guys tomorrow!" Amai grabbed Ichigo's hand and pulled her away, the two running together. As they ran, Amai saw the upset look on Ichigo's face. She felt sorry for her, not having many opportunities to talk to her love interest.


Speaking of which, the girls stopped and turned around as Aoyama came running up to them. "Aoyama-kun!" Ichigo greeted, happy to see him. Amai said a polite hello before leaving, wanting to give the two time together. By the time she'd made it to the café, she got multiple texts from the others, all saying they'd be a little late with reasons why. Amai wasn't too bothered by it. Sure, it meant more work for a little bit, but she could handle it.

Ichigo, on the other hand...

Well, she looked ready to fall down, zipping back and forth from the kitchen. She practically cried in relief when the others showed up. In the back, Ichigo slumped over the table, exhausted.

"I'm so sorry we were late." Retasu apologized. "It's okay." Amai said, rubbing a hand on Ichigo's back. "We're all busy with our Mew Mew work, the café, and school."

"Yeah. I can't handle all of that!" Ichigo cried. The girls looked at each other. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's getting busy again. Can you come help?" Keiichiro asked. "Yes!"

"Okay..." Amai hugged Ichigo. "Cheer up, Ichigo. You'll find a way to balance everything." Ichigo sighed, then hugged her back. "Thanks, Amai-chan."

Heading back out, Ichigo turned to the door when it opened. "Welcome to Café Mew Mew..." She paused. "Aoyama-kun?!"

All the girls stopped what they were doing, their attention directed to the boy standing at the front door. Amai was surprised that he was here, but also very happy that this would provide opportunity to make Ichigo feel better.

Minutes later, the redhead was talking with him while he sat at a table with a slice of cake. Amai and the others watched from the kitchen doors. "Isn't that the guy that was with her at the zoo, Amai?" Pudding asked. "Yeah, Aoyama's her crush at school."

"What's going on?" Ryou came up behind the girls, peering over their shoulders. Amai looked over at him. "Oh, it's just Ichigo's future boyfriend, I hope." Ryou didn't say anything, just shrugged and walked away.

The spying continued for a few seconds. They soon returned to work, though it wasn't long before more excitement arose when Pudding started passing along information that Aoyama had tickets for a concert. A plan was formed quickly to make sure the boy asked their friend to that concert, said plan being have Ichigo run out for milk the second Aoyama left the café.

"Time to play Cupid!" Pudding shouted when Ichigo was sent away. The team joined hands in a circle. "We have to subtly guide them towards running into one another!" Mint said. "Yeah!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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