Episode 2 Part 3

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Later that night, Amai, Ichigo, and Mint, along with R2000 outside of Okumura University High School. Mint asked the little robot where the pool was located and thanked it when it gave her the answer.

"Hey, R2000 is kind of a mouthful. I'm gonna give you a nice nickname!" Ichigo spoke up, and of course, the first thing she thought of was her crush's name. Mint and Amai weren't impressed. "Really, Ichigo, are you going to name it that because you like Aoyama that much?" Ichigo blushed, waving her arms. "C-course not!" "So, what are you gonna name it?"

Ichigo tried to come up with names but had little luck. Amai thought about it, then snapped her fingers. "How about Masha?" Ichigo and Mint looked at her. "You keep thinking of names close to Aoyama's, so how's Masha sound?"

That made Ichigo happy, as well as the newly named Masha.

A scream tore through the moment, and when they looked at the source, Amai recognized one of the girls that was with Retasu earlier. "You were with Retasu!" The girl was shook. "Th-the ghost..." She coughed. "She's fine, but we need to hurry! Retasu could be in danger!" Mint urged Amai and Ichigo to transform. Standing in a pose, Amai said; "We're back again to serve you justice!"

They ran to the pool. "Where is she?! A huge tornado of water stood up from the surface. "A Chimera Animal!" The water shot out and attacked them, luckily being blocked in time by their weapons. The water blew away, revealing a person floating over the pool. Amai's eyes widened at who she saw.

"No... Retasu?!" The girl looked so different. She was surrounded by a green aura and her eyes were full of fierceness. Mint and Ichigo were also shocked. "It's not a Chimera Animal?!" "Her genetic powers are out of control!" R2000 said.

Retasu clutched her chest, wincing before crying out, water flying all around her. Everyone had to shield themselves. "Her powers are out of control!" Mint shouted over the force of power around them. "Retasu, we're on your side! You're a Mew Mew, like us!" Amai called to the girl, yet it didn't help.

Retasu screamed, and another water tornado surrounded her, this time glowing green. There, right in the middle, she stood transformed. Her hair turned lighter, her clothes changed into a green dress with a lighter top and darker skirt, green boots that were identical to Ichigo's, her braids became longer low pigtails extending from her shorter cut, and white ribbons came from her lower back. Her eyes, though, seemed to be dull, almost in some sort of trance.

The girls had little time to be in awe of her before she raised her hands. "Retasu Castanets..." two castanets appeared. She held them up. "Ribbon Retasu Rush!" Two balls of water came hurdling at the Mews. Dodging, though Mint wasn't as lucky, Amai and Ichigo jumped up and landed a few feet away. "Mint!" Amai got up, and Retasu floated a little bit down towards her. "You're next."

"Why?! Why are you attacking us?!" All Retasu did was send another attack, which Amai shieled herself from. "Retasu, stop!" Her plea affected Retasu, because for a moment, her eyes faded back to normal.

"I tried so hard to be friends with everyone. I tried... I tried, I tried! But I always ended up alone!" She held her arms tightly. "And now I've turned into this!"

Amai felt so bad for her, having to go through so life alone. Retasu started to cry. "I'll never..." she glowed again, a huge wave splashing around her. "...ever be able to make friends!"

The water swept up Amai and carried her into the air. She struggled as the force pulled her around and around.

Spitting out water, she called out to Retasu. "You'll never be able to make friends?! Don't say that to me, I want to be your friend!" Retasu gasped, staring up at Amai. She went on. "You're kind, Retasu! You care about people even if they don't care about you! But you know who you should care about the most? Yourself!"

Amai pushed through the water. "Friendship is so much more than spending time together! It's wanting to spend time together! I want to hang out with you, Retasu! How about you, what do you want?!"

Retasu was frozen. Amai managed to pull an arm from underwater and stretch it out to her, despite the power threatening to push it away. After a few moments, Retasu took it, both girls smiling at each other. As soon as their hands touched, a bright glow surrounded them and the water calmed down.

Coming up from the pool, Amai hugged Retasu. "You're meownderful, Retasu!" "Amai-san..."

Ichigo and Mint watched happily as Amai told Retasu how she couldn't wait to be friends with Retasu and how much fun they'd all have together.

The next day, Retasu joined the café. Everyone admired how she looked in her maid uniform.

"Oh, Retasu! You look so pretty!"

"You look adorable!"

"She looks almost as adorable as I do." Retasu blushed. "Y-you think so?"

When the first two customers came in, she hesitated. "You can do it, Retasu!" Amai said to her enthusiastically. Retasu nodded and headed over. Her greeting was a little forced, but the two girls at the table seemed to know it was her first day and gave her encouragement. Amai grinned. 

"You've got this, Retasu!"

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