Episode 3 Part 1

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Amai greeted customers as they came into the café. It was a bright and beautiful day, and business was going smoothly. Café Mew Mew had quickly become popular with so many students coming in after school for some delicious treats.

Amai placed some pastries down at a table. "Here you go!" The girls at the table thanked her and she smiled at them with a "you're welcome". Ichigo was currently scolding Mint for not helping out while Retasu was tensely carrying a pile of dirty dishes to the kitchen. She apologized repeatedly as Amai and Mint rushed over to help.

"Don't be sorry. No plate lasts forever." Mint said, sweeping up the broken glass. Amai smiled at her, seeing she can be nice and helpful when needed. Ichigo was also a little amazed by it, until the bluenette told her to go take care of a table's order.

All was well.

Later the next day, taking some time off work, Amai was walking around the zoo while humming to herself. After the interruption at the endangered species exhibit, she wanted to have another chance to enjoy some cute animals, and the zoo was the perfect place for that. She decided shortly after arriving to go to the cat center, where you could play with the different cats that were there.

At the moment, she was petting the soft fur of a little white kitten that was only a couple months old. It purred and leaned into her hands. "Aw, you're so cute. I'd love to have a cat like you." The kitten rubbed its head against her stomach like it was saying it wanted to be hers. Voices from behind her made her turn, and she saw Ichigo on a couch on the other side of the room with Aoyama.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot she asked him out again to make up for the exhibit." They hadn't seen her yet, and she honestly didn't want them too so their date wouldn't be disturbed. But she kept looking over at them every few seconds, smiling at how cute they looked conversing with one another. They were caught in a silent stare, a blush on Ichigo's cheeks...

"You have to come watch!"

The cheery yell of a younger blonde girl broke the trance. Amai, wanting to see what she was talking about, got up and went outside. The child was smiling brightly at the small crowd that was gathering around her.

"You've got to see Pudding's show!"

"Oh, she's a performer." Amai realized as the girl started doing different kinds of tricks. Standing on one hand on a ball, cartwheels, jumping through rings, she was incredibly talented, not to mention hyper. Amai applauded for her, and it was then that her best friend spotted her.

"Amai-chan!" Amai looked over and waved. "Hey, Ichigo. Hey, Aoyama." The boy smiled. "Hello, Yukimura-san." Ichigo directed to the little blonde. "Guess things got pretty crazy all of a sudden, huh?" "Oh, yeah. But she's really good." Aoyama agreed with the girls. Amai suddenly felt thirsty. "Hey, I'm going to get a drink, do you two want anything?" Ichigo said yes, Aoyama politely declined.

At the drink machine, Amai kept smiling as she thought of that girl's performance. The joy on her face was adorable. "I wonder if she does that as a job, even at her age."

Amai jumped when the girl popped up from out of nowhere, a mask on her face. "YOU WANNA TIP ME FOR MY SHOW?!" So frightened, Amai didn't realize her cat ears and tail had popped out until she felt the fur on her head and quickly covered them up. But she wasn't fast enough as the girl's eyes sparkled.

"Wow! You have cat ears and a tail! That's so cool!"

"Oh, no." This kid saw them, now what? The kid in question started to dance around, making cat ears with her hands and chanting kitty over and over. Amai shushed her. "Please, not so loud! This is a complete secret, and I'm trusting you with it, okay?" The girl nodded. Amai relaxed, seeing she could be trusted. "I'm Amai, by the way." "Nice to meet you! I'm Pudding!" Pudding then hugged her tight. "It's just so amazing! You're a kitty!"

"Who's a kitty, now?"

A voice made the girls pause. They broke apart, trying to find whoever was speaking.

"I was curious about who was meddling in our plans. Who knew it was a cute and pretty girl like you?" Amai turned around, looking up at one of the pillars connected to the gate's wall behind her. A figure hidden by a cloak stood on it. "Who's there?"

The cloak suddenly fell on her, blocking her sight. "Hey, what?!" She struggled, pushing the fabric to the top of her head. "What are you..." Her sentence was paused when a pale hand grasped her chin.

In a second, lips planted themselves on hers.

Her first kiss. Amai's first kiss was taken by a stranger. Every part of her froze.

The mysterious person stepped back. He was just a few inches taller than her, his skin was slightly paler than her own, his hair a forest green and eyes liquid gold. What really stood out about him were the ears.

He was an alien, just like her father. She knew at once he was the enemy the Mew Mews were supposed to fight.

He picked up the cloak and draped it over his shoulder. "My name's Kisshu." He licked his lips, eyes narrowing flirtatiously. "Thanks for the kiss." 

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