Episode 6 Part 2

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Upon reaching the studio room, which was already under siege of a hundred aliens, they transformed and Amai destroyed a swarm of them that were circling Mint. The blue Mew Mew floated down to their level as they ran up to her. Zakuro's singing carried on in the background.

Amai smiled brightly at her. "I understand your feelings now, Mint!" Pudding raised her fist. "Yeah, we're not gonna let 'em touch her!" Mint was overjoyed, and she looked up at the jellies with confidence. "I won't let you stop her!"

As Zakuro continued to sing, the Mew Mews battled, keeping the idol safe. In the fight, Mint and Amai went back-to-back. "Her singing is amazing." Amai commented, making Mint chuckle a bit. "Of course it is! Our queen is doing what she needs to do! And we're going to do what we need to do!" They went back to fighting, taking out any jelly that tried to come close to Zakuro.

From above, Kisshu glared, irritated. "This is no fun." A dark grin appeared, his golden eyes sporting a glint of red. "Fine, then! Altogether, now!" At his command, the aliens crowded together, merging into one giant Chimera Animal. The girls freaked. "I-it's giant!" Pudding screamed. The monster dived down, smacking its head right into them and sending them flying. Its huge tail continued to slap them around, beating them into the floor.

Zakuro stood still on the stage, terrified of what was happening. Her muscles aching, Mint struggled to get up. "I want... to be stronger!" Her feet grounded into the floor, legs shaky as she stood. "I'm going to surpass myself!" Her body tilted, but she didn't fall. "If I do that, I'll overcome any challenge!"

Every word, every sentence, broke more of the ice surrounding Zakuro's heart. They way Mint used her own words like that, in a desperate moment, it sparked something. A feeling that she'd been longing for a very long time. It rushed through her, and what made it more intense were the words Amai had said to her earlier.

"Let me ask you; when will you take your mask off?"

Now. Now was the time.


Launching up from over Mint's head, the Zakuro used her whip to strike the Chimera, saving Mint's life. She landed in a crouch position. Mint was elated. "My queen!" Zakuro looked over her shoulder, giving the girl a small smile. Leaping back up, she delivered the final blow that destroyed the Chimera Animal in seconds.

Laughing, Kisshu grinned down at the girls. "How much fun! This is getting more and more fun! See you again soon!"

When he left, there was silence. The Mew Mews stared at Zakuro. Amai spoke clutching her arm. "Mew Zakuro..."

Suddenly, Retasu stepped back in alarm. "Um... guys?!" Her finger was pointed over at a video camera, its lens right on them. Everybody flew into a panic.

"N-no way!" "The cameras are live?!"

In a flash, the doors of the studio burst open, a squadron of TV reporters flying in. "There they are! Those are the girls!" The girls huddled together as thousands of camera flashes and questions came hurdling at them. Pudding was the only one doing poses in excitement while everyone else was tense.

"W-wait... are we on live national TV right now?!" Amai's question was rhetorical, but still, it was a lot happening. Now they were known to the whole country! Possibly even the world!

Two reporters were at the front, microphones pointed at the group. "Tell us, who are you?" "What were those monsters you fought?" "Why are you wearing those costumes?" "Where did you come from?"

The questions were non-stop. Ichigo was about to stutter in an attempt to answer, possibly one with too much information, when Amai halted her, thinking of something quick.

"The six of us are a group of heroes! Our name is Tokyo Mew Mew!" The girls gathered in group pose, Amai in the middle. "For the future of the earth..." she posed like a cat. "we'll serve out justice!"

It might've been a little much, but it was in the moment. Amai couldn't help it. Plus, it kind of felt good, she had to admit.

After all the chaos finally died down and the girls were able to get away, they all met on a bridge, where Mint was scolding Amai for what she'd said.

"What was that?! Why did you say that?!" Amai held up her hands. "I'm sorry, it was the only thing I could think of." Pudding grinned. "But it was so much fun!" Retasu nodded. "She's right. You don't get that kind of experience every day!" Ichigo sighed. "At least we were able to escape, since Zakuro-san led us to the back exit."

It was well hidden, but Amai was able to catch a very small smile on Zakuro's lips when Ichigo said that. Mint stepped up. "Queen Zakuro, I... thank you for helping us. I'm so happy that I got to fight with you, even if it's just this once."

Zakuro gazed forward into the night. "I don't like working with a team." The girls sighed softly. "But... I'll give you a chance." All eyes were wide. "Queen Zakuro, does that mean..." Mint started, trailing off for Amai to finish. "You're going to join us?!"

Zakuro put a hand on her hip. "I ask that you don't treat me like a newbie. Whether it's the music industry or Mew Mew business, I'll show you I have what it takes!"

Smiles appeared on everyone's faces, tears growing in Mint's eyes. All at once, they hugged their new teammate, who was quite flustered with the unexpected affection being given to her. To celebrate, Retasu took out her phone and the girls took a selfie for remembrance.

They'd done it. Tokyo Mew Mew was now complete. Here, the war would truly begin. 

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